Australian foreign aid The Crocodile Hunters Trellace Lawrimore Reno Varghese TRELLACE
Bretton Woods Conference History Bretton Woods Conference Australia’s Bloc Emerging power UNSC (2013-14) Foreign Policy Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade AusAID RENO
The Debate RN and DI models No Consistent Trends Trade Peter Carroll Bermeo 2012 Berthelemy and Tichit 2004 Berthelemy 2006 Peter Carroll TRELLACE RN&DI (Professor Gounder) Scholarly research, focus on trade We consider two models…RN and DI
Recipient Need Model TENO Vreeland, historical scholar
Donor Interest Variables Trade Geography DFAT Trans-Pacific Partnership Regional Indicator TRELLACE (trade) RENO (regional indicator) Regional and trade indicator, why we think trade is particularly important
Regression Results VARIABLE COEFFICIENT T-VALUE P>ltl aussieIMF 14.05 **2.48 0.013 regionalaussie 93.909 ***26.13 totalflow .00917 ***5.37 aussieWBG 2.949 .48 .631 population 1.5E-08 ***3.52 gdppercapita -0.000361 5.37 cons 3.904 5.07 TRELLACE Be explicit: The IMF variable’s continued significance, chart(s) **Statistically significant at the 5% level ***Statistically significant at the 1% level
Why is the IMF variable statistically significant? If the IMF variable was insignificant, we would have expected it to disappear completely after we introduced the trade and regional controls.
Average Aid Received within Australia’s Region RENO Chart WITHIN THE REGION, ausaid’s propaganda
Conclusion Donor Interest Trade IMF Bloc RENO