Christmas charity project.


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Presentation transcript:

Christmas charity project. By Karley Myall And Mia Jones

Justify your choice of poem The poem I choose was by Jay Owler. I like this poem because its short but it has a lot of meaning. I like the way the words have so much emotion behind them. The way it has so much meaning and you can visualise in your mind what it is like to live like this. The impact I will attempt my video to give to its audience, will be a powerful one, I will hope that it will give our chosen audience an insight into how tough life can be. The way that the poem will be read, I will want it to have an emotion when it is being spoken. The way I want people to feel when showing them this video is that they are lucky and there is a lot of people who suffer day to day.

Explain the impact that you will try to make with your video / audio Piece. With my video and audio piece the impact I will make will be to make sure that we get across to our audience that being homeless is awful. For the audio piece we recorded, we got Adam to record our poem, he was from performing arts, which we believed would work better as he would be able to use emotion in his voice and it would fit better with the video we would be creating, when editing this, music will be added to the background, to give it that dark feeling. The video would include emotion in the faces as well as the actor engaging with the audience through his eyes and feeling their pain and explaining what its like to be in this situation.

Target audience. The target audience for this poem is people ages 17-22. I feel this poem is targeted towards younger people due to the language used. It is simple and easy to understand, descriptive but not too in depth. Words like “rubbish” and “gormless”, even though these words are very descriptive they do not sound like words an adult with a more developed vocabulary would use, yet they sound too grown up for someone like a child or a young teenager would use. The poem is obviously written by a homeless person, but the aim is for it to affect people that are not homeless, and people that might donate to the charity.  7,580 people were recorded as rough sleeping in the streets of London in 2014/15. This number has increased every year since 2007. Most rough sleepers in 2014/15 were aged 26 and 55 (79%). The majority of them were men (86%). 43% were born in the UK and 36% were from Central and Eastern European countries.

This graph shows the age ranges and the percentage of these ages that are in Poverty. As you can see the most common age range is between 16-24 years of age, being that roughly 25% of people are homeless at this age. Green showing the year of 2004/5 and blue showing 2014/15 from this the blue was higher then green. The lowest age group for being homeless is 65-74 years and the year that more were in Poverty was in 2004/5. Website: Posted on 30th June 2016. [Online] Accessed on 2nd December 2016. <>

Research on the chosen charity. Website: (No date) [Online] Accessed on 2nd December: <> Research on the chosen charity. Who are Porchlight? In 1974, Tom Gifford set up Porchlight after his experience of being homeless in the past. His aim was to encourage the local community to help homeless people. The organisation he created has grown to be a single hostel in Canterbury to an organisation that supports almost 500 people a year. What do they do? Porchlight are a big organisation that help many people with being in poverty on a day to day basis. They help people who have absolutely no-where to go and no-one to turn to. Some of which are homeless and some are struggling to cope with the pressure of day to day life. They help get support with mental health, housing, education and employment. They provide all the help they can to support adults with advice and guidance to provide them a good future. In 2015/16 they supported nearly 5000 people.

Website: (No date) [Online] Accessed on 2nd December: <http://www Porchlight research. What services do they offer? Porchlight offer a wide variety of services to fit everyone’s needs. They do young persons’ services, where they give them accommodation, jobs, education and training, they do adolescent mentoring service. They do health and wellbeing services, for the people over 17, they do Community, Inclusion and Mentoring services and jobs education and training for older age groups. For housing services, they do a rough sleeper service, adult supported accommodation, specialist supported housing for ages 18-65.

A good example of how different media techniques convey different emotions. The best example of this is the higher and lower camera angles. Filming a character with a downwards angle, so they appear smaller implies to the audience that this character is weak in that particular scene or conversation. This filming technique usually pairs with a character being filmed from an angle where the camera is below them, aimed up. This makes that character look bigger and more powerful. I added an example as to how these two shots would go together. We can see here that the little girl in this scene is very small and helpless, and the judge is the one with all the power which makes it out that the judge is an evil character, and the little girl is the good one. Another example is the choice of shots. For example, of you wanted a shot to make a character look alone and isolated you would use a wide shot to show the extra scenery and emptiness. You would not use a close up or a mid close up. These are only a few examples of how different media techniques convey emotion.

Poem ‘’Cemented to the rubbish infested floor, a foul stench soothed the air. Gormless faces wandered by as my hat lay straight out in front of me. Attempts to look down from those passing by, a creature I felt. Nobody to care, help or even give a reaching hand of comfort. Christmas approaching, the times are most tough at this current stage’’.


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