About Me! Brooke Hoppe BA in English – Sonoma State University MA in Education -- Multicultural Urban Education– University of California, Berkeley Background –El Cerrito High School in El Cerrito, CA (English 9 and AP Language and Comp) - Highlands High School in North Highlands, CA (English 9, 9H,10, 10H, 11, 11H, 12, AP Language) - Third Year at Vista del Lago (Beginning Comp, English 9, 10, 10H, )
What is Beginning Composition? Beginning Composition is a mandatory introductory writing course for 9th grade students at Vista The class focuses on Argument Centered Writing –every piece of writing is an argument that the author is advancing to the reader. Our job as writers is to convince the reader that our argument is accurate and valid. Large focus on text-based and anecdotal evidence
A Typical Day in Beginning Composition 1. Starter – A warm-up exercise in which students practice the skills of the current unit; descriptive writing, persuasive writing, integrating quotes, etc. 3. Direct Instruction on the current unit of study - Whole class activity centering around the current unit of study 4. Group/Individual Practice – In class work on the writing process; brainstorming, drafting, etc.
Unit 1 – “I Matter” Narrative Writing (August 9th-August 26th) In this unit, students will write a narrative essay. We will share ideas about how to use more descriptive words in writing, and practice “show/not tell” techniques with students. Rough Draft Due Thursday August 25th Final Draft Due Friday August 26th
Unit 2 – “Does It Matter?” Argumentative Writing (August 29th – September 23rd) In this unit, students will write an essay in which they develop an argument and use ethos, pathos and logos to defend that argument in writing. Students will center their arguments around issues that exist in our world today. Rough Draft Due Thursday September 22nd Final Draft Due Friday September 23rd
MIDTERMS MIDTERMS – October 6-7 Matching - labeling the parts of an essay Written - narrative techniques Written - argumentative techniques
A Long Way Gone, Woman Warrior, A Thousand Splendid Suns Unit 3 – “I Don’t Matter” A Long Way Gone, Woman Warrior, A Thousand Splendid Suns Informative Writing (October 10th – November 29th) Students will engage in Lit Circles and will read one of three (or four) approved texts and engage in several formative discussions surrounding the text and its theme They will then research a social injustice of their choice and will develop annotated bibliographies Following their research, students will present their findings in one of three ways: Research Paper, Podcast, Photo Essay Rough Draft Due Monday November 17th Final Draft Due Tuesday November 29th
Unit 4 – “It All Matters” Synthesis Essay (November 30th-December 8th) In this unit, students will utilize all three forms of writing to create a final synthesis essay. Using Document-Based Questioning students will write an on-demand essay We will do this first as a class Students will review the strategies and skills needed as well as how to draft a works cited page. On Demand Writing - December 8th
FINAL ASSESSMENT For the Final Assessment students will produce a 3-5 minute speech. Students will present these speeches (5-10 per day) during the last 4 days of the term. Students will examine famous historical speeches for rhetorical strategies, figurative language, word choice, and tone. Throughout the term, students will have the opportunity to present in front of the class and be given formative feedback using the bands of the Oral Communication Rubric
GRADES 70% of the total grade: Summative Assessments - Assessments OF Learning (tests, final drafts of essays, major projects, etc) 30% of the total grade: Formative Assessments Assessments FOR Learning (quizzes, reading checks, rough drafts of essays, homework, etc) Late work will be accepted for one week after the due date No extra credit is offered per Vista policy Papers for Units 1 and 3 can be revised IF all formative work has been submitted
Website Website is a way for students to check on upcoming assignments and check their current grades in any class Grades will be updated every two weeks (likely much more frequently)
Email is the easiest way to contact me. Contacting Me… Email is the easiest way to contact me. To get text-message reminders on your phone for Beginning Comp, sign up for Text this number: 81010 This message: @af4h7