Accelerated Pathway at Leeward CC: Early Results
Legacy course sequence 2+ levels below the transfer level 1 level below the transfer level Entry transfer level courses MATH 22 Pre-Algebra MATH 82 Accelerated Algebraic Foundations MATH 100 MATH 111 MATH 115 College Math (not algebra-intensive) MATH 103 College Algebra
Redesigned course sequence 2+ level below the transfer level 1 level below the transfer level (co-requisite) College Math Track (not algebra intensive) MATH 75 (3 credits) With the opportunity to earn MATH 100 credit in the same semester MATH 100 with MATH 78 (4 credits total) MATH 115 with 78 was also offered on a small scale (n < 20) College Algebra Track MATH 82 (4 credits) MATH 103 with MATH 88 companion (5 credits total)
Legacy baselines Starting 2+ levels below the transfer level in the fall Starting 1 level below the transfer level in the fall 27% sequentially passed MATH 22 and MATH 82 to become college-ready by the end of the AY* 56% passed MATH 82 to become college-ready at the end of the fall semester 9.7% earned a C or better in transfer math by the following spring (next AY) 29% earned a C or better in a transfer math by the following spring (next AY)
Fall 2016 results Starting 2+ levels below the transfer level Starting 1 level below College Math Track 82% passed MATH 75 and became college-ready (compare to 27% next-semester legacy yield) 70% passed MATH 100 (compare to 29% next-AY legacy yield) 26% completed MATH 75 then earned MATH 100 credit in the same semester (compare to 9.7% next-AY legacy yield) College Algebra Track 56% became college-ready (compare to 27% next-semester legacy yield) 75% passed MATH 103 (compare to 29% next-AY legacy yield)