NANOTECHNOLOGY What is Nanotechnology? Nanotechnology defined as the design & fabrication of material,devices & systems with control at nanometer dimensions. The goal of Nanotechnology is to manipulate atoms individually and place them in a pattern to produce a desired structure.
HISTORY OF NANOTECHNOLOGY The concept of Nanotechnology first suggested by “RICHARD FEYNMAN” in year of 1959. This term reached greater public awareness in year of 1986 with the publication of “Engines of Creation”.
How it works ? The basic idea of nanotechnology is to manipulate each individual atoms of an object. Atoms are building blocks for all matter in our universe. Nanotechnology essentially concerned with atoms . z
Co-Relation of Nanotechnology with Human Environment. This new idea of Nanotech. Is also co-relate with human body. The greatest achievement of Nanotech. For Medical Science is “Nanorobots”. Nanorobots
Example of Innovation in Drug Development Biologic nanodevices based on dendrimers are being developed with the potential to : Recognize Cancer cells Diagnose cause of cancer Delivery of drug to target Report location of tumor Report outcome of therapy (cancer cell death)
Why the interest? Anticipated to lead to the development of novel and sophisticated applications in drug delivery systems Private sector, academic centers and federal agencies are developing substantial programs in nanotechnology Rapidly growing area of science Significant research dollars being invested in Nanotechnology
Advantages of Nanotech. It can manipulate the atoms. It can destroying the cholesterol in arteries. It can destroying also cancer cell. Nanoparticals are used in automobile,airplanes,space shuttle. It has potential uses out side the boundary of Biology.
POSSIBLE DANGERS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY Nanos might interact with environment & more imparently with humanbody. Nanos accumulated in bodies of animals and human. They Travel freely through soil and could be absorbed earth worms which are beneficent for earth. It can cause cadmium poison in human. They can cross skin,lung & in some cases the brain. It is discovered by Oxford scientist that nanos used in cosmetics and sunscreens can damage DNA structure.
Future of Nanotechnology Our world will dramatically change in future with nanotech. We can produce stronger fibers in future In computer Industry we have ability to shrink the size of transistor. We are capable to store trillion of bytes of information in a space smellier to sugar cube. Nanorobos could programmed to perform dedicate surgeries. Nanorobos could change our physical appearance,they could programmed to perform cosmetic surgeries. They could programmed to rebuild Ozone layer.
Nano Pictures.
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