John Dominic Crossan and N. T. Wright. Two views of Jesus: A comparison of the work of two key scholars, including their views of Jesus with reference to their different methods of studying Jesus: John Dominic Crossan and N. T. Wright. Crossan: Jesus the social revolutionary; using apocryphal gospels; seeing Jesus as a product of his time; what the words of Jesus would have meant in Jesus’ time. Wright: Jesus the true Messiah; critical realism; texts as ‘the articulation of worldviews’; seeks to find the best explanation for the traditions found in the Gospels.
Introduction What do we actually know about Jesus? tml Read this information about Jesus Create a list of important points about Jesus’ life and how we know about it – Gospels, history etc.
Crossan https://www. johndominiccrossan Specification Content Jesus the social revolutionary; Using apocryphal gospels; Seeing Jesus as a product of his time; What the words of Jesus would have meant in Jesus’ time. Activities Read Crossan’s summary of his book ‘The historical Jesus’ and the CNN article– see links above Read the information in booklet 8 Complete all the activities on Crossan in booklet 8 Write a 7 minute essay plan to this question ‘Explain Crossan’s view of Jesus and his method of studying Jesus’
N.T. Wright Specification content Jesus the true Messiah; Critical realism; Texts as ‘the articulation of worldviews’; Seeks to find the best explanation for the traditions found in the Gospels. Watch the video Complete the mind map on page 6 of booklet 8
N.T. Wright – watch the video Complete the mind map 1. Judaism 2. Jesus – eschatological prophet 7. Jesus – the return of Yahweh N.T. Wright Jesus the true Messiah; critical realism; texts as ‘the articulation of worldviews’; seeks to find the best explanation for the traditions found in the Gospels. 3. Jesus – prophet of renewal 6. Jesus believed he would bring his kingdom through his death 5. Jesus – messianic claimant 4. Jesus the teacher of subversive wisdom
The validity of using critical realism to understand Jesus.
The validity of using apocryphal gospels to understand Jesus