Bread of Life Discourse Chapter 4.5 John 6:22-71
Number of Fish and Loaves Feeding of the 4,000 & 5,000 Number Fed Scripture Number of Fish and Loaves Typed of Basket Baskets Remaining 5,000 Matt. 14:13-21; Mark 6:32-44; Luke 9:9-17; John 6:1-13 2 fish, 5 loaves Kophinous (Small hand basket used by Jews) 12 4,000 Matt. 5:29-39; Mk. 8:1-9 Few fish, 7 loaves Spuris (large basket used by Gentiles) 7
Outline of Bread of Life Sermon I. The Setting (v.22-25) II. The Command (v.26-29) III. The Unbelief (v.30-31) IV. The True Bread (v.32-40) V. The Living Bread (v.41-50) VI. The Broken Bread (v.51-59) VII. The Results (v.60-71)
The Setting The Place: What is the exact location of this event? Capernaum is on the opposite side of the Sea of Galilee from where the feeding of the 5,000 happened. Jesus was in the synagogue when he delivered this message (Who would have been there?)
The Setting The Time: Beginning of Year 3 of Jesus’ Public Ministry Day after feeding of 5,000 People couldn’t find Jesus, so they went looking across the sea
The Command (6:26-29) Jesus’ perception: Did he actually answer their question? _____ Jesus thought their question was unimportant compared to teaching them that they were following him for the wrong reasons. Jesus knows why we are following him. We can’t trick him (he is omniscient). This is the 3rd time Jesus read men’s hearts (6:2, 6:15)
The Command Jesus’ command: Be more concerned about seeking God than you are about gaining temporal things. Make a T-Chart comparing things that are “temporary” vs. things that are “eternal.”
The Command The people’s misunderstanding: They had selective hearing and only heard the beginning and end of Jesus’ words– “labor…for everlasting life.” (6:27) We don’t work for salvation; it is given to us freely by God. Our only “work” is to believe in Jesus Christ. Ask yourself: “What does Jesus want from me?” (6:28)
The Unbelief of the Jews The people question Jesus in verse 30, even though he had just performed a HUGE miracle the day before. They explained away his miracle by saying that Moses fed the whole nation of Israel miraculously for forty years (they wanted Jesus to one-up Moses). We cannot force others to believe Jesus. Belief comes before knowledge; not the other way around.
The True Bread Jesus’ rebuke: He reminded them that God gave them manna, not Moses. He then contrasted the manna with the true bread (himself).
Characteristics of the True Bread It is a person. It gives life. It perfectly satisfies. Manna: Just bread. Couldn’t prevent death. Satisfied temporarily.
Facts about Bread Bread is a necessity. Bread is needed daily. Bread must be processed to be eaten (how was Jesus “processed?”) Born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth, grew into manhood, cut down/killed at young age of 33, crushed (or bruised) for our sins, and went through the fire of God’s judgment to pay for our wrongdoings.
Rejection of True Bread At first the people cried out for Jesus to give them the true bread. Verse 36 shows us that they were insincere though. The people’s contradiction: they said they wanted the bread; Jesus said he was that bread; yet, they didn’t want Jesus. People want the benefits of Salvation, but they don’t want the Savior
The Living Bread At verse 41 there is a break in the action Up to this point “Jews” has referred to the Galilean citizens that Jesus fed. But here it refers to the Jewish leaders. The Jewish leaders say they know Mary and Joseph, and that Jesus grew up in Nazareth, so how could he have come down “from heaven”?
Why the Jews Rejected Christ Verses 44 and 45 reveal that men who have not been saved cannot understand Christ’s teaching. Natural men can’t understand the things of God unless the Spirit teaches him in his heart. Man cannot save himself (Eph. 2:1-10). How are we saved? (The Father draws us to Himself). How does the Father draw us in? (Jn 6:45; Rom 10:17)
Impact of the Living Bread Those who eat of the Living Bread (those who submit to Christ, and trust him for their future hope) receive eternal life. So the “true bread” becomes the “living bread” by giving life to all who “eat” of Jesus Christ.
The Broken Bread (v. 51-59) Just like Jesus broke the bread when feeding the 5,000, his body would be broken on the cross and, through that sacrifice, everyone who believed would have eternal life. So how do we “eat his flesh?” We have faith that his sacrifice was good enough to save us for eternity.
The Results (v. 60-71) There were 2 results of the Bread of Life Sermon: 1. Many people left and stopped following him. (John 12:32-34) They couldn’t believe that the Messiah was going to die. In Jewish thought, the Messiah was never supposed to die. 2. The 12 Disciples stayed with Jesus. This is a picture of Christianity in the world. The road to Heaven in narrow. Only a few are true followers.
Summary: Why do people follow Jesus? 1.Because of the Miracles. 2.Because of the Multitudes. 3.Because of the Meal. 4.Because of the Money (Judas Iscariot). 5.Because he is Master.