St John Fisher Catholic Voluntary Academy Leaving 4+ for Year 1 Monday 4th July 2015
What has already begun? Summer term 4+ staff More time spent in whole class sessions/small group work. Circle time discussions about moving on Encouragement to be independent Year 1 staff Establish links between the children and teachers Summer transition events. There will be time spent in 4+ and Year 1. Transfer of information between the two phases.
Aims of Transition Our aims are: For all the children to experience a smooth transition from 4+ to Year 1 in a happy, safe and secure environment For the children to enjoy the new challenges and approaches to learning of Year 1 A gradual implementation of a more formal curriculum Parents to feel involved and informed about the transition process from 4+ to Year 1
Aims of Transition Children will adapt: Change of curriculum style Level of independence required Balance between ‘work’ and ‘play’
What will happen? Autumn term Continuation and reflection of the practices and working environment of Reception from the Summer term. Introduction to the more formal aspect of learning. Teacher to get to know the children and understands their needs. 5
Keeping in Touch Parent pocket planners Home School link books Phonics packs Weekly spellings Reading Records Website Teachers available before and after school Parent Readers once a week – no younger siblings
Things to Remember Encourage your child to become more independent PE kits in everyday Check book bags every day Reading books in every day Coats for going outside Labels in all clothes Ensure homework is returned on time. Spelling tests every Monday
How to help at home Be positive about the change Try to see things from their point of view Listen to your child Keep us informed Read with your child and share in their learning
Summary Whilst we recognise that Key Stage 1 is different to the 4+ , what is important is that it is not too different too quickly! However, as we work to ensure a smooth and successful transition that provides continuity and consistency between the key stages, we must also make certain that there is progression.
Phonics Screening Check. Statutory phonics check that all Year 1 children across the country take part in. Checks children’s ability to read a word by blending the sounds within it. Contains a selection of real words and nonsense words.
Any Questions?