Allah is Goodness and the Goodness in Attending the Funeral
When visiting one who is sick, if the person was suffering from a terminal illness the Prophet taught us to do the following: Remind him of the Hereafter and ordering him to make a will Encourage the person to repentance To try and get the person to make the shahadah his last words On the other hand, the relatives are forbidden from lamenting and wailing over the deceased If one dies, humility is perscribed and the crying done for a deceased should be weeping from the eye and the grief of the heart. As narrated from Bukhari: "The eye weeps and the heart grieves, but we do not say anything except what pleases the Lord."
Also, the goodness of Islam teaches us to hasten our funerals and to accept the Decree of Allah When a Muslim dies, we purify and clean him, to apply perfume to him and to shroud him in white garments, then we pray over him If there with the person before he dies, we supplicate for the person until he dies When washing the deceased body, he is washed anywhere from three to five times depending on what is needed.
It is from the goodness of Islam that when a person dies, his debts should be paid off This is because a person who dies owing a debt may not enter Paradise until the debt is paid for him. If a person dies having not his debts paid and he was a righteous person; his soul will be in between the two worlds instead of meeting its place in paradise. If the person dies and was not a righteous person, his soul will still be sent on its way to the punishment of the grave
The funeral prayer for the Muslim is not like that of the non Muslim The Funeral prayer consists of now bowing, prostrating or Rakaats. The Imam stands and gives Takbeer and then praises and thanks Allah. Ibn 'Abbas offered the funeral prayer over someone and after the first Takbeer, he recited Sarah AlFittihah and he recited it aloud and he said: "You should know that it is a Sunnah." Ibn Taimiyyah said: "Its recitation is not mandatory; rather, it is a Sunnah."
It has been narrated by Al Bahaiqi: Ubadah Ibn As Sami was asked about the funeral prayer and he said: "By Allah, I will inform you: You should begin by making Takbeer, then send prayers on the Prophet tt and then say: "Oh, Allah! Verily Your slave, so-and-so did not use to associate partners with You and You know better concerning him. If he was righteous, then increase him in righteousness and if he was a wrongdoer, then pardon him. Oh, Allah! Do not forbid us his reward (i.e. the reward of praying for him) and do not misguide us after him” Praying over a person means to supplicate for them and the Prophet used to supplicate for the deceased but there is no authentic hadith that says he recited fatihah for them
If the Prophet missed a funeral he would go to the grave of the deceased and make duaa for him Once, he prayed over the grave after a night had passed and once after three nights had passed and once after a month had passed. The Prophet did not set a time limit on when one can make duaa at the grave for one who died However, the Prophet did not pray for one who commited suicide
It is from the goodness of Islam that graves for the deceased should be dug deep It is reported from the prophet that when he placed the deceased in the grave, he would say: "In the Name of Allah and in Allah's Cause and upon the Religion of the Messenger of Allah." - Tirmidhi It is reported from him that he used to sprinkle dust over the head of the deceased three times at the time of burial and when he finished burying him, he and his Companions would stand over the grave and he would ask Allah to grant him steadfastness and he ordered his Companions 4 to do likewise.
The Prophet did not do the following: He would not sit and recite over the grave, nor would he instruct the deceased. Neither was it a part of his guidance to raise the graves, nor to build over them, nor to cover them with clay, nor to build domes over them He forbade that graves should be plastered or built over or written on, and he taught those who wish to know where a particular grave is to mark it with a stone. He forbade taking the graves as places of worship and illuminating them with lamps and he cursed the one who does so. He also prohibited prayer towards them and making them places of celebration
Finally, the goodness of islam teaches us to give condolences to the family of the deceased It was a part of the guidance of the Prophet to offer condolences to the family of the deceased, but it was not a part of his guidance for the people to gather and for the Qur'an to be read for him — neither at the grave, nor anywhere else. And it was a part of his guidance for the family of the deceased not to be burdened with the task of preparing their food for the people. Indeed, he ordered the people to prepare food for them. It was a part of his guidance to refrain from publicly announcing the death of anyone and he said: "It is from the practices of the Jahillyyah (days of ignorance )." Tirmidhi