Macbeth Learning Objective Understand how to analyse an extract from Macbeth Understand Shakespeare’s use of imagery, its connotations and effects.
Act 1 Scene 1 quiz Where do the witches plan to meet Macbeth? In his castle In the graveyard On the battlefield On the heath Complete the quote: ‘Fair is ______ and foul is _____.’ When do the witches say they will meet again? When Macbeth is crowned king When the moon is eclipsed When all the trees shed their leaves When the battle is over What country serves as the setting for Macbeth? What is the weather like in the opening scene? Cold and icy Hot and humid Thunder and lightening Warm and calm
Act 1 Scene 2 quiz What does the captain think of Macbeth? that he is weak that he is in under the control of witches that he is brave that he is ‘under the thumb’ Complete these quotes: ‘his brandished steel / which smoked with bloody ______.’ ‘he unseamed him from the ____ to the th’chaps’ ‘So they (Macbeth and Banquo) doubly redoubled strokes upon the ___.’
Act 1 Scene 3 quiz Banquo is told by the witches that he will be ____ and ____ than Macbeth richer and poorer fatter and thinner sadder and happier greater and lesser The witches do NOT address Macbeth by this title: King Thane of Cawdor Thane of Glamis Your Highness What gruesome item does one of the witches keep as a charm? A shrunken head A pilot’s thumb A human toe Human teeth strung on a thread and worn as a necklace True or False: Banquo is told that he will one day be king, but his sons will not
Macbeth Learning Objective Understand how to analyse an extract from Macbeth Understand Shakespeare’s use of imagery, its connotations and effects.
Macbeth’s Act 1 Scene 4 aside MACBETH (aside) The prince of Cumberland! That is a step On which I must fall down, or else o'erleap, For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires. The eye wink at the hand, yet let that be Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see.
Macbeth’s Act 1 Scene 4 aside MACBETH (aside) The prince of Cumberland! That is a step On which I must fall down, or else o'erleap, For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires. The eye wink at the hand, yet let that be Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see. Pick an image Draw a representation of that image Mind map all the possible connotations of that image Branch out from your connotations for further implications
like stars shall shine / eg nobleness like stars shall shine / On all deservers life… centre of universe stars shine horoscopes guidance light leading
Feedback ‘that is a step on which I must fall down’ ‘Or else o’erleap’ Star, hide your fires ‘My black and deep desires’ ‘Eye wink at the hand’
Plenary Think - pair - share Why did Shakespeare use such rich imagery in his plays?
Homework Must: Find another image from the play and visually represent it. Should: List the connotations of that image Could: Write a sentence/paragraph that starts: Shakespeare has used this image at this point in the play because…
Macbeth Learning Objective Understand how to analyse an extract from Macbeth Understand Shakespeare’s use of imagery, its connotations and effects.