3.0 Internal Audit Process Two Audit Criteria 1) Standards Audit – BQ-9000 Compliance 2) Procedures Audit – Say What You Do / Do What You Say 3/26/07 Plan Audit Conclusion Auditor Prepare Audit Report nonconformance, evidence, conclusions, recommendations QCS-3 Internal Audit (attach) Step-7 QMR Schedule audit & people QCS-3 Internal Audit Step-1 Auditor Perform Audits Standards Audit & Procedure Audit Step-4 Schedule, Scope, Resources Audit Report Findings & Observations Auditor Prepare training (if req’d) & rqmts review Step-2 MRT Review & Evaluate Audit Report QCS-3 Internal Audit (view) Step-8 Auditor Summarize Findings summary report Step-5 Audit Results Recommended Actions Current Audit Rqmts Lead Auditor Audit the Audit QCS-3 Internal Audit Step-6 Qualified Audit CAT Enter & Manage Corrective / Preventive Actions QCS-3 Internal Audit add C & P Actions Step-9 Auditor Plan Audit Checklists QCS-4 Document Search Step-3 Audit Plan, & Checklists QMR – Quality Management Representative MRT – Management Review Team CAT – Corrective Action team 01-15-0009-01 Page 1 of 3
Document Approvals Role/Position (Normative) Owner: (informational) Approval Date QMR Terry Boone COO Bill McIlwain Reviewed By: QA Ravi Doshi Approved By: Document Control Jan Rector Instructions for filling out Document Approval Form 1. Identify the owner of the document who has technical authority for content. 2. Identify the authority required to review and approve (authority role). 3. Identify who acts within required authority for this release. 4. Approval date signifies that Document Control has received acceptance of approval. 5. Document Control has structural control as defined in 01-01-0001 Preparation & Release of Controlled Documents. 01-15-0009-01 Page 2 of 3
Revision History Date Revision No. Modification Reason 11/28/06 00 Original issue 3/26/07 01 Removed “calculate score(s)” from Step 5. Archived document since it is embedded in the corresponding procedure. 01-15-0009-01 Page 3 of 3