Engineering Opportunities Samuel Whitbread Academy Mrs E Lucas
Year 9 options + AQA GCSE Engineering Assessment Core content Specification code: 8852 Assessment Core content Engineering materials Engineering manufacturing processes Systems Testing and investigation The impact of modern technologies Practical engineering skills Written exam: 2 hours 120 marks 60% of GCSE + A brief set by AQA released on 1 June in the first year of study. 80 marks 40% of GCSE
Year 9 Options BTEC Engineering Double option = Level 4+ maths, English & Science. Units of study 11 The Engineered World (external) Investigating an Engineered Product Electronic Circuit Design and Construction Interpreting Engineering Information (external) Mathematics for Engineers Health and Safety in Engineering Engineering Materials Computer Aided Engineering Engineering Design Bicycle Servicing and Maintenance Sustainable Vehicle Power and Chassis Design
GCSE in Design and Technology Non-examined assessment 50% of the qualification 100 marks Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes 50% of the qualification 100 marks Content overview investigation Design Make Evaluate Content overview 1 – Core content and any one from the following material categories: Metals Papers and boards Polymers Systems Textiles Timbers
Sixth Form Study Technical award - level 3 Engineering: double Engineering award Maths(either core or A level) EPQ - Extended Project qualification This combination = Tech Bacc qualification
Next steps 6th form students leave with a Tech Bacc qualification University- students have gone to Coventry, Bristol, Bath, Loughborough, Hertfordshire, Lincoln, Apprenticeships- Year 11 onwards students have left and gained high quality apprenticeships with Blue Chip & FTSE 100 companies Work experience- Year 10 – opportunity to have up to 10 days in late summer term Business partner links- site visits, company personnel come into school, mentoring support (e.g. Lockheed Martin, Chilfen Joinery, Bosch, European Space Agency, MBDA, Blue Abyss, National Grid and many more local organisations) SWA Annual Careers Fair – 21st November 3-8pm
Extra Curricular Young Engineers Club – Tuesday & Thursday after school Greenpower F24 Racing Team Cookery Club – Thursday after school Warhammer/Gaming Club – day TBC.
Enrichment Activities The department gets involved in various STEM related activities throughout the year to which students are selected or nominate to attend. Events confirmed for this year currently include: Tomorrow’s Engineers – Energy Quest Day (60 students) - onsite RAF STEM Day (120 students) - onsite Rotary Technology Tournament (8 students) – off site Rotary Food Competition – onsite Women in Engineering (Cranfield) TBC. Small Peice Trust activity day -date TBC- onsite. Big bang science fair. NEC Birmingham – off site French Food trip summer 2018