Google Apps for Creative Collaboration Dylan Ryder Educational Technologist The School at Columbia University
This Presentation
Overview Processes We’ll Cover: Digital Workflow Classroom Management Student Digital Portfolios Google Apps We’ll Cover: Docs Drive Slides Sites Classroom Maps Calendar Forms
Why Google Apps? Cloud Data Storage Local-Only Systems Completely free for schools 99.9% uptime 24/7 Support Never any advertisements You own your data Use on any device Costly Can require support staff Multiple vendors App integration challenges
Further Reading
Why Google Docs? Cloud Docs Stand-Alone Docs Shared Collaborative See work in real time Accessible from any device Private Singular No Progress Reports Married to 1 Device
Let’s Try It
Further Reading
What is Google Drive? Cloud Storage In-House Server Backed up 99.9% Uptime Store any file type Integrate with other Google Apps Useful for Students and Staff Require maintenance Manual backups Updates Costly
Let’s Try It http://
Google Sites for Student Portfolios "Who is the portfolio for?"
Google Sites for Student Portfolios The educational system? (Parents, teachers, administrators.) OR The student? (Student created, curated and published.)
Google Sites for Student Portfolios Both.
Who builds the portfolio website? Ideally, the student does most of the work building their own portfolio while providing the educational system the information it needs.
A model
This may be typing a report, taking a picture or recording a video. Process Students digitize their assignments. This may be typing a report, taking a picture or recording a video.
They may create the work in Docs or upload anything digitized. Process Students store work in Google Docs/Drive. They may create the work in Docs or upload anything digitized.
Students showcase their best work. Process Students showcase selected work on their website. Students showcase their best work.
Portfolio Portfolios Types: Repository for everything => Educational Portfolio => Showcase Portfolio =>
Digitization => Sharing => Presentation => Portfolio Portfolios Types: Digitization => Sharing => Presentation =>
Google Drive is the repository of the work. Portfolio Digitize => Google Drive is the repository of the work. Word processing, presentations and spreadsheets are easy, but that doesn't mean that all work must be done in Docs.
Examples of collecting non-digital work: Portfolio Digitize => Examples of collecting non-digital work:
Examples of collecting non-digital work: Portfolio Digitize => Examples of collecting non-digital work: Pre-K Video with Student Help: 8th Grade Physical Education: High School Math: Using Google Voice to Collect Audio: 5th Grade Art Work Photos:
The benefits of Digital vs Analog work. Portfolio Digitize => The benefits of Digital vs Analog work.
Portfolio Digitize => Typically, how much digitization the student is responsible for is dictated by two factors, Age Access to hardware
Portfolio Compare vs
Portfolio Beware the Data Silo
For example: Portfolio Transfer data for exiting students For example:
Further Reading
What is Google Classroom? Classroom Management System Ad-Hoc System 1 point of contact to students Accessible from any device Automatically distributes & stores student work Integrates with other Google Apps Requires multiple tools email, print-outs, temporary disk storage Messy (inelegant) Lost or misplace files Lost in email?
Further Reading
Further Resources 3rd Party Apps Chromebooks Chrome plugins Image editing Video Processing Chromebooks Inexpensive laptop computers for schools Video: Where to learn more Transitioning to Google Apps IT Guide: IT Admin Questions Video: Protecting Student Data