TIA TR-8 Mobile and Personal Private Radio Standards Telecommunications Industry Association; Supporting the Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program Andy Davis Chairman; TIA TR-8 Mobile and Personal Private Radio Standards
P25 Suite of Standards The P25 Standard is not just one document. It is a suite of over 65 Standard documents and over 20 TIA Telecommunication Systems Bulletins. P25 Steering Committee Approved List of Documents http://www.project25.org/images/stories/ptig/docs/20151028-P25Approved-TIA-StandardsQ4-2014.pdf Core Definition documents are those TIA-102 standards documents that enable manufacturers to independently develop and implement interoperable equipment. Test documents are those TIA-102 standards documents that enable manufacturers to verify that their product implementation adheres to the respective core definition documents in a consistent manner
TIA TR-8 and Project 25 A Memorandum of Understanding (The MoU) defines the roles, responsibilities, and the relationship between TIA and P25 TIA TR-8 APCO Project 25 Interface Committee (APIC) Task Groups are a forum of User Agency representatives and Industry representatives TIA TR-8 Subcommittees create and maintain normative Standards and informative Telecommunication Systems Bulletins (TSB) Project 25 Steering Committee selects TIA documents for inclusion in the P25 Standard
P25 Process Example User Needs Statement of Requirements identifies a need for a standard to enable interoperability Standard Core Definition Document Development APIC Task Group develops a draft Standard TR-8 Subcommittee prepares the Standard for publication Project 25 Steering Committee adopts the TIA Standard as part of the suite of P25 Standards TIA publishes and maintains the P25 Standard Standard Test Document Development APIC Task Group develops tests associated with the standard (Performance, Interoperability, Conformance) TR-8 Subcommittee prepares the Standard Tests for publication Project 25 Steering Committee adopts the TIA Standard Tests as part of the suite of P25 Standards TIA publishes and maintains the P25 Standard Tests
TIA TR-8.25 Subcommittee; Mission and Scope excerpts: The Compliance Assessment Subcommittee shall be responsible for resolution of compliance assessment related questions. The Compliance Assessment Subcommittee will also be responsible for the development and publication approval of identified TIA standards for Project 25 Conformance, Performance (i.e. measurement methods), and Interoperability not assigned to other TIA TR-8 subcommittees. Recommended Compliance Assessment Test (RCAT TSBs) Development Telecommunications Systems Bulletins (Informative TIA publication) List of tests suitable for assessing P25 compliance Created by the creators of the Standards and Standard Test documents Industry and User Agency representatives Project 25 Steering Committee adopts the TIA RCAT TSB as part of the suite of P25 Standards TIA publishes and maintains the P25 RCAT TSB P25 Steering Committee forwards P25 RCAT TSB to P25 CAP for consideration
Published RCAT Subjects Air Interface Performance Tests FDMA and TDMA Conventional and Trunking Radios, Stations and Trunked Infrastructures Air Interface Interoperability Tests Voice and Control Air Interface Conformance Tests Inter Sub System Interface Interoperability Tests FDMA Trunking Voice and Mobility Management (automatic roaming)