Biennial Program Assessment A Brief Technical Help File
The Information Site URL: Contains: Overview Resources Common Terminology Login on the left to the online program assessment tool.
The Online Form Submission/Review Login requires your AU account and password (the same one as used for eCampus). Authorization, usually, can be done automatically on your first login. Deans/Department Chairs can create new program assessments. Faculty can view all of them. Special request can be met to authorize a person manually (Please contact Yijia Wang for assistance.)
To Create a New Summary Create a new program assessment by clicking on the “Create a New Summary” link on the left side.
To Create a New Summary Fill in the form. (Do NOT forget to select a department.)
To Create a New Summary There are 3 pages of the summary form. You can fill in them once or at several times. Please note: you may stop in the middle. Once you hit the “Save and Continue” button, the inputted data will be saved to the database and can be retrieved later for further editing.
To Edit an Existing Summary First, click on a department name to expand its list of summaries on the Main Index Page.
To Edit an Existing Summary If you see an “Edit” link to the right, click on it to start the editing process.
Authorization for Editing/Review Deans/Other Executive Officials: You can create a summary or edit one for any department. You can view all of them, too. Department Chairs: You can ONLY create a new summary or edit one for your own department. You can view all summaries from any department. General Faculty: You can view all the summaries.
To Logout Click on the Logout link to the left. You will be directed back to the information page. You must close your browser to sign out from the site completely.
Contact for Additional Information Audrey S. Blumberg Senior Associate Provost for Academic Affairs Email:
Contact for Technical Assistance Yijia Wang Manager of Web Services at Office of Information Technology Phone: 516-877-3813 Email: