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Presentation transcript:

Midterm Study Guide Review Global History Midterm Study Guide Review

The origins of modern democracy can be found in what classical civilization? Ancient Greece What do the Gupta Empire in India, the Golden Age in Greece, and the Renaissance in Europe have in common? A combination of wealth and a time of relative peace leads to cultural achievement What trade route started in East Asia and ended in the Middle East? The Silk Road

Why was the Great Wall of China built? Barrier between China and Mongolia What was the cause of conflict between Muslims and Hindus in Northern India? Vast differences in their religion and culture What unified China and kept it stable after the collapse of the Han Dynasty? Promotion of Chinese culture as a unifying force

Who were the Mongols? Where did they conquer? Central Asian people – conquered much of Asia including China and modern day Russia Describe the effects of Mongol expansion (at least four) Unified the region Created largest continuous land empire Protected trade routes that connected East Asia to Europe Helped spread the plague (Black Death) Spread their culture through the region (cultural diffusion)

What affect did the Mongols have on Russian history in the early Renaissance? Isolated Russia from Western Europe during the early Renaissance so that Russia did not experiences the advances of the Renaissance as quickly Describe the class structure of traditional China, feudal Japan, and feudal Europe. Rigid class structure – people were typically not socially and economically mobile – born lower class and poor you will stay lower class and poor.

What type of foreign policy did China have in the late 1700s? Tried to remain isolated from foreign influences – especially western culture (European) What empire united India under a single government for the 1st time since the 6th century? Mughal Dynasty How did Mughal leaders initially react to European (specifically English) trade? Embraced British merchants and encouraged trade

What was the culture of the Middle East affected by? Spread of Islam Foreign Invaders Its location 15. What can the spread of Islam be traced to? Common language (Arabic) Teachings of Muhammad Shared Culture What did Renaissance Italy and Islamic Empires have in common? Characterized by cultural creativity and learning

Describe the Ottoman Empire in the 1400s and 1500s and what was so significant about its location? Powerful Muslim Empire with a strategic location between Europe and Asia How did differences occur between Sunni and Shiite Muslims? Disagreements about the successor to Muhammad Describe Western Africa before European contact. Made up of large trading Empires (Mali, Ghana, etc..)

What were at least 3 effects of the slave trade on Africa? Warfare between tribes New manufactured goods introduced Reduction of population Why are cultures in northern and southern (sub-Saharan) Africa so different? The introduction and spread of Islam to northern Africa What happened as a result of Islam and Christianity being spread to parts of Africa? Cultures blended local customs with the traditional practices of those religions.

Describe the kingdom of Mali under Mansa Musa. Rich and powerful due to the abundance of gold Converted to Islam as their religion What did African kingdoms like Mali and Ghana have in common? Built their wealth and power by trading their excess gold

How were the Middle East and Europe effected long-term by the Crusades? Increase in cultural exchanges between Europe and the Middle East What European institution was basically in complete control of everything during the Middle Ages? Roman Catholic Church What were the effects of the Black Death? Damaged local economies Spread as a result of trade People thought it was punishment by God

Describe Western Europe during the Middle Ages. Europeans were afraid to travel Invaders Church passed decrees to help control the violence What were some of the major contributions that the Byzantine Empire had that affected Western European society? Preserved Greek and Roman culture Why did population in Europe increase from 1000AD - 1300AD? Better farming technology

What long-term effects did the invention of the printing press have on society? Literacy rates increased What were the causes of the division of the Catholic Church during the Protestant Reformation? Corrupt religious leaders in Rome The Pope had too much power Selling of indulgences What did the Scientific Revolution cause people to question? Traditional beliefs and the Church

Describe American civilizations before European contact. Polytheistic Thriving cultures Economic centers What happened to Native American populations after the Europeans came to the Americas? Declined due to diseases Describe Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations prior to European colonization. Had developed advanced and complex societies

Historically, what religion became dominant in the Americas after the Spanish colonized there? Christianity List at least 3 long-term effects of European Exploration. End of regional isolation Beginning of European domination African slave trade What happened as a result of the deaths of millions of Native Americans after the Europeans began to explore the Americas? Slaves were imported from Africa

What are causes of colonization? Need for resources Overpopulation Opportunity for wealth Technological advancement Describe the relationship between Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Asia during the 18th and 19th centuries. Exploitation of labor and resources How did early European explorers change the world? Led to an increase in trade and the spread of ideas

Describe the main ideas of the Enlightenment. All people have natural rights What were some reasons that people wanted democracy during the period of the Enlightenment? Political/economic needs were not being met Abuses of power by absolute monarchs What causes many of the political revolutions of the 18th century? A desire for equality and more voice in government

What are the effects of the increase in trade from 300 to 1500CE? Increase of interactions between cultures and the spread of technology What were some of the positive results of the development of trade networks? Exchange of goods and services and cultural exchanges What was a long-term effect on Europe of the introduction of gunpowder by Marco Polo? Europe becomes the global power

What does polytheistic mean? Belief in more than one god What are the 3 major monotheistic faiths? Judaism, Christianity, Islam What city is holy to all three major monotheistic faiths? Jerusalem

What are the key beliefs of Islam and where did it originate? Followers share common culture, language, beliefs Five pillars, Arabic, teachings of Quran, etc… Originated in the Middle East (Mecca, Saudi Arabia) How are Christianity and Islam similar? Belief in the same God and are divided into multiple branches or sects What are the main causes of war and conquest? Increase in population, decrease in food supply, powerful neighboring societies, lack of available resources

What inspired the leaders of political revolutions in Latin America and France? Success of the American Revolution and French Revolution What caused many of the political revolutions in the 18th century? Unequal taxation, limited rights, spread of new ideas, lack of available resources What are the main causes of the collapse of empires? Foreign invaders, economic troubles, corruption, too big to govern, social decay, too much diversity

Give at least three reasons for the success of empires. Powerful military, strong leadership, available resources What is a negative consequence after the fall of empires? Unstable governments, violence, instability Describe mercantilism. Economic policy that says countries should export more goods than they import to build a nations treasury. Colonies are used as a source of raw materials.

Compare Absolutism and Democracy. Absolutism: one clear voice set the direction of county; lack of personal freedoms Democracy: Power rests with the people, more personal freedoms Describe a government ruled under absolutism. One person has all the power and not many personal freedoms