Seminar on Assessment of the WEEE in South Eastern Countries of the Mediterranean Sorting, recovery, recycling and treatment of WEEE in the Czech Republic Jaromír MANHART 17 March 2009 Turkey, Ankara
TURKEY CZECH Population Population 71 517 100 (January 2009) Area 783 562 km2 Regions 7 regions 81 provinces Ankara 3 901 201 inhabitants Population 10 446 157 (September 2008) Area 78 866 km2 Regions 13 regions Prague 1 176 116 inhabitants
Electrical and Electronic Equipment EEE Electrical and Electronic Equipment - any EEE on the list of categories 1 – 10 with those 7 exemption (state defence) - EEE that need voltage up to 1000 V alternating current (AC) or up to 1500 V direct current (DC) - any Equipment having a two-pin plug, or battery hole (need the source for their basic - any complete EEE that became waste or is not for use anymore
EEE - Producers´ responsibility during the whole Life Cycle of the EEE MAIN PRINCIPLE WEEE EEE - Producers´ responsibility during the whole Life Cycle of the EEE Waste Act No. 185/2001 Coll., in the Czech Republic sets other responsibility levels: - Producers (ANNUAL REPORT by y.) - Owners/Sellers (Merchants) - Operator of a take-back system (ANN. REPORT) - Operator of a facility for WEEE dismantling - Operator of a facility for waste recovery - Municipalities
EEE - Producer any natural or legal person authorized to do business who, 1. manufactures and sells electrical and electronic equipment under his own brand, or 2. resells under his own brand electrical and electronic equipment produced by other suppliers, or 3. imports electrical and electronic equipment to the Czech Republic or puts such electrical and electronic equipment on the market in the Czech Republic within its business activities
EEE - Producers´ responsibility I Provide separate collection, taking-back, treatment, recovery and disposal of household WEEE - independently, on his own (INDIVIDUAL) - together with some other producer or producers based on the agreement (SOLIDARY) - by assigning duties to some other legal person (COLLECTIVE SYSTEM)
EEE - Producers´ responsibility II Label EEE placed on the market after 13. 8. 2005 Graphically labelled EEE that must be taken-back Inform consumers on the special places of the take-back system and where the „old/historical“ EEE can be left Inform consumers about the take-back system and EEE hazardous content and components Produce EEE in the way of easy dismantling and of possible reuse again
EEE Producers´ responsibility III 6. Limit the content of Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr (VI), PBB and PBDE (LCD) 7. Join the financing system of „old/historical“ WEEE placed on the market before 13. 8. 2005 8. Inform and report to the Operator of a facility for WEEE dismantling on necessary information regarding dismantling procedure, difficulties and hazardous substances in the EEE
EEE - Producers´ responsibility IV Ensure reuse of WEEE:
Legal persons with assigned duties (COLLECTIVE SYSTEM) I
Legal persons with assigned duties (COLLECTIVE SYSTEM) II
Czech WEEE Overview I Key target: collection of separated WEEE from households to 4 kg/cap/year by 31 December 2008 FULFILLED!!!!! 3 collective systems reported 35 000 tonnes WEEE = 3,4 kg/cap/year 3 other collective systems reported preliminary = 0,9 kg/cap/year
Czech WEEE Overview II Following years (2006): WEEE from the take-back system ~ 2000 t/WEEE/month ~ 2,3 kg/cap/year of WEEE 80 % TVs refrigerators (50 000 pcs) The collection take-back network by II/2009: 6257 villages and towns ČR 6911 locations collective places 4143 mobile collections - new markets of new EEE, EEE-services and EEE-service providers
WEEE Collection - take-back network covers all towns with more than 5000 inhabitants - ~400 municipal collection yards for citizens of towns and villages to leave their WEEE there free of charge
“FEED the E-aliens“
PROBLEMS AND ??? Biggest problems and challenges: - Obtain WEEE from the citizens Different methods to work with households: a) collection based on surcharge positive/negative price, b) collection voluntary, no surcharge (separate collection into containers in the streets), c) motivated collection (collection with advertisement, commercial competition etc.).
Thank you very much for your attention JAROMÍR MANHART Ministry of the Environment Environmental Damage Department Vršovická 65 100 10 PRAHA 10 Česká republika ++420 26712 2109, ++420 776278737 JAROMIR.MANHART@MZP.CZ MANHARTJAROMIR@SEZNAM.CZ