Does the present WEEE business model work? What needs to be changed? Jan Vlak, WEEE Forum
WEEE Forum Amb3E Appliances Recycling Asekol SK EAF Ecodom Eco-systèmes Ecotic Eco Tic EES Ringlus EGIO Environ ElektroEko Elektrowin El-Kretsen Elretur elretur Fotokiklosi Recupel Remedia RENAS Repic Retela RoRec SENS SWICO UFH WEEE Ireland WEEE Malta Wecycle Zeos
The good, the bad and the ugly We know what to do: reach the collection and recycling targets Good: we reach the current collection and recycle targets Bad: this is not good enough in 2019 Ugly: the political, legal and organisational framework
What we need is … Cooperation in the chain; all actors responsibility Level playing field Harmonization European quality standards for treatment Enforcement
Question ? How do all stakeholders get-together, in a way that: all actors cooperate know their resposibilities, and are able and willing to take their responsibility ?