Welcome to 2PH
2PH Teaching Team Pip Harrison Ms. Olive - Teaching Assistant Teacher Ms. Olive - Teaching Assistant Miss Tehmina-SEN Mr Duncan-EAL support.
A Few Bits ‘n’ Pieces School Times Drop off and pick up-8:10 we leave the hall so please be on time-if not please go via the office. Please label all things… sweaters, hats, H20 bottles. P.E. Dress in PE kit on days 1,3 and 5 Pickup & Drop-off Pick up from classroom until weather cools Food and parties Allergies-parent contact information sheet please return! Sleep… very important to be prepared for school. 10-11 hours each night for students aged 7-12
Essential agreement IN THIS CLASSROOM… Decided by the children No leaning over the spiral staircase Know how to walk and not to talk in line No shouting out Never making fun of each other Be kind to classroom resources Be quiet in the corridor ENJOY EVERY SINGLE DAY
Reflecting on thinking skills We use the thinking hats and a child is allowed to wear one for the rest of the day if they show great thinking using that particular coloured hat.
Dragon Shields Dragon Shields are an initiative from the SLT. Children are awarded Dragon Shield tickets from all over the school for walking nicely, being respectful etc. Two tickets per year group get pulled out during assembly and those children win a prize.
Weebly! The Weebly is our MAIN form of communication. This will be updated at least once a week where information about your child’s learning will be shared. There are two pages to check; the main Grade 2 page and our class home page. Andrew Macrae has added parents on to an RSS feed so you get an update when I have posted something. Please use the laptop today to sign up. For individual queries please do continue to contact me on my email: p.harrison_gwa@gemsedu.com
Islamic/ LP rest of class The 2PH Timetable This can be found on the weebly page and in your child’s diary. Please try and ensure that your child is responsible for bringing is/her resources to school! 2PH DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 8:15 8:15am Pick-Up in Gym 8:20-9:00 Language ICT ASSEMBLY Islamic/ LP rest of class Maths 9:05-9:50 Library Arabic Music 9:55-10:30 Snack and Break 10:35-11:20 11.25-12.10 Art (G2 Meeting) (PYP Meeting) 12:15-13:00 Lunch / Play 13:05-13:50 POI P.E 13:55-14:40 Swimming 14:45-15:30 Islamic/ LP rest of class 15:35-15:40 Pack Up & Dismissal * Every Thursday School Finishes at 1.30 – Islamic Studies: Day:1,3,5
GWA Approach to Education Focus on learning outcomes – Inquiry based – “Leading my Learning” Challenged according to what students are ready to learn next (developmental approach) Differentiation, activity based, small group and individualized learning
How We Know What Students Have Learned Prior knowledge to drive inquiry Assessment (authentic, projects, not always paper and pencil, etc.) Process oriented more often than product (reflection of learning) Portfolios Student Led Conferences
Literacy READING WRITING “Learning to Read” vs.“Reading to Learn” Reading to, with, and by Beach café! Takeaway? At home At least 15 minutes Choose a consistent time and place Be a part of it Model it: Love it! WRITING 6+1 Traits of Writing Ideas Organization Conventions Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Presentation
Spelling Cross grade groups- differentiation across grade:3 : just right for the learner. Words assigned Sunday, quiz on Thursday Groupings assessed throughout the year. Weekly spelling practice activities in Homework Book
Mathematics Our math program will also focus on strategy, how we do things using the knowledge we have
PYP Units of Inquiry Sharing the Planet Relationships and interactions within communities lead to conflict and peace. How We Express Ourselves Artists use elements of art to communicate and create visual works that an audience may interpret Where We Are In Place And Time Present day societies help us to understand past civilizations. How We Organise Ourselves Understanding the processes that food goes through can help us make informed decisions. How The World Works Understanding forces and energy helps create inventions that impact our lives. Who We Are Choice of role models reflects the values individuals and societies.
Homework! At GWA we believe that the child learns at school and whilst consolidation of skills is important so is the value of play and socialising with family. Your child will be required to read 4 times a week if this is communicated in their Daily Diary they will get a star. They can achieve a bronze, silver and gold award. The gold is only achieved by reading four times a week all year and the award will be a mad hatters tea party after school to celebrate. So please encourage your child to read. They will also get spellings which are differentiated to their spelling level. These will get handed out on a Sunday and tested on a Thursday.
Supporting Learning at Home Homework expectations- Consistent agreement across Grade:2 How parents can help – talk, encourage, share Give your child the space and opportunity to show responsibility for their learning at home. Develop routines and rituals in your family to share and celebrate learning.
Communication Many ways to be in touch including student diaries, email, and meeting face-to-face. p.harrison_gwa@gemsedu.com Ask questions as they come up, no need to wait for official interview times.
Our Wonderings as parents Please feel free to write down a wondering, a question, a comment, an inquiry on a post-it as you leave. Warmest Regards and I look forward to a great learning partnership this year with you and your child.
Any questions Post It!