Letting Kids Fail? Avoid over parenting By: Julie Tilsner PRESENTED BY:
Theme Learning a lesson okay to fail parents need to allow this kids only get stronger
Logical Appeal 1 Australian study surveyed 100 counselors 90% saw overparenting examples
Logical Appeal 2 Overparenting Two types Helicopter parents Lawnmower parents
Logical Appeal 3 Dr. Spock one of the standard western notions of good parenting “High Responsiveness” “High Demandingness”
Emotional Appeal 1 Restrictive, Overprotective Quote Parents stepping in on situations causes more harm for kids Parents misguided Parents use swoop in and save technique
Emotional Appeal 2 Responsibility Quote Parents take responsibility for kids Not letting kids fail causes kids not to exercise problem solving skills Failure helps make resilient kids
Emotional Appeal 3 Failure Quote You have to fail to succeed Parents set kids back Parents decrease opportunity for kids to learn
Ways the Author Creates Credibility Using personal experiences Facts and statistics Stories about overparenting
How the Structure the Author Chose Affects the Argument Starts with a personal story Why is it so hard to let kids stumble Our precious kids, our overprotective selves Why a little failure is good for kids How to let kids fall (without trying to pick them up)
How effective the Author’s Choices Are for the Point They Are Trying to Make Strong arguments towards overparenting Over parenting causes “failure” Kids become more reliant on parents Don’t know how to handle losing Personal story Uses variety of sources to express opinion