New Government - Policies and Priorities November 2017
The New Government - Key Ministers Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister Winston Peters, Foreign Minister Kelvin Davis, Tourism Grant Robertson, Finance Megan Woods, Research, Science & Innovation Andrew Little, Justice (ie Sale of Liquor) Dr David Clark, Health (ie alcohol) Stuart Nash, Revenue, Small Business Iain Lees-Galloway, Workplace Relations & Safety, Immigration Damien O’Connor, Agriculture, Biosecurity, Food Safety Shane Jones, Regional Economic Development Willie Jackson, Employment Meka Whaitiri, Customs
The New Government – Engagement We are a successful, regionally focused, socially and environmentally responsible industry helping to grow NZ. Beneath the headlines of success, there are issues and opportunities to be addressed. From the government perspective they want … long term a sustainable economy, high levels of employment, good quality jobs and decent wages. improve society’s wellbeing through improving skills, human capital, society and communities. lift the living standards and the wellbeing of New Zealanders.
New Government – 100 day priorities The aspects most relevant to the wine industry are: Minimum wage: $16.50 an hour, Tax Working Group Waters Summit
New Government – coalition agreement priorities Regional development fund of $1 bn Climate change and moving to sustainable energy Register of 'foreign owned' land and housing Water royalty on exported water, not on water use Water quality Immigration to focus on exploitation of migrant workers especially international students
People issues People matters are likely to be in focus: Health & safety, Pay and conditions (increasing minimum wage, piece rates) Actively seeking to employ NZ residents first Getting workers where they are needed Industry investing in training workers. Issues with RSE approvals. Now addressed, but the delays have caused real problems for the industry. Internal review which (hopefully) will address the short term issues that have arisen this year. The Government will shortly make a decision on the level of the RSE cap for next year …