Understanding the history of Canada’s First Nations (Click on dates for more info)
14 000 BCE First settlements 1492 Christopher Columbus
XVI-XVIIth century 1534 Jacques Cartier 1608 Foundation of Quebec 1634 Foundation of Trois-Rivières 1642 Foundation of Ville-Marie 1649 Destruction of the Huronia
XVIII-XIVth century 1763 British rule 1820 Beginning of Residential Schools 1831 - 1838 Trail of Tears 1867 End of British rule 1869-1870 Red River Rebellion 1876 Indian Act 1885 Execution of Louis Riel
End of Residential Schools XXth century 1960 Right to vote 1985 Bill C-31 1993 Nunavut 1996 End of Residential Schools
XXIst century 2006 Stephen Harper becomes Prime Minister 2008 Formal apologies 2015 Justin Trudeau becomes Prime Minister Promises and apologies from/under ? Justin Trudeau
Sources http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/first-nations-right-to-vote-granted-50-years-ago-1.899354 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Harper http://www.cbc.ca/news/aboriginal/stephen-harper-s-comments-on- missing-murdered-aboriginal-women-show-lack-of-respect- 1.2879154 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trail_of_Tears