Cognitive Level of Analysis To what extent is one cognitive process (memory) reliable?
Remember this face and these items!!
Implanting Fake memories Watch this short documentary Implanting Fake memories
The Reconstructive Nature of Memory Memory is said to be reconstructive in nature. The term “reconstructive” refers to the brain’s active processing of information to make sense of the world What would happen if a memory didn’t make sense?
The Reconstructive Nature of Memory Leading Questions Schemas Misleading Questions Cognitive dissonance Eyewitness testimonies Repression
Schemas Schema Theory schemas help us make sense of the world around us, help us interpret the situation If something isn’t right, schemas might make sense of situation – alter our memory Bartlett: LINK changed elements of the story and vocabulary to make sense of it – schemas altered their memory of the story
Repression Sigmund Freud (1875 – 1935) was convinced that forgetting was caused by repression
Pope and Hudson (1999) study: Pope and Hudson from Harvard University recently completed a literature search on the topic of repressed memories of childhood incest. They postulate instances of sexual child abuse where: the abuse has been corroborated independently of the survivor's memory. the abuse was sufficiently traumatic that the child would have been expected to remember it if it were not for the repression. the child actually repressed the memory (and didn't simply forget it). the victim in her adult years was unaware of the abuse; she was not lying about not having remembered it. Most people would accept this as a classic description of a recovered memory of childhood sexual abuse. However, Pope and Hudson were able to find only four such cases, none of them well documented, in all of the published literature. It would seem that repression of traumatic childhood memories occurs very rarely, if at all.
DISSONANCE Cognitive Dissonance Cognition 1 Cognition 2 The victim is bleeding from a stab wound I didn’t see a knife DISSONANCE Cognition 3 The knife must have been hidden
Eyewitness Testimony OLD NEW WHY? Leading Questions Police Lineup Cognitive Interview WHY? Leading Questions Misleading Questions
Loftus & Palmer 1974 Experiment 1 Experiment 2 LEADING Question Used different verbs Smashed (40.8 MPH) Collided (39.3 MPH) Bumped (38.3 MPH) Hit (34.0 MPH) Contacted (31.8 MPH) MISLEADING Question Found broken glass? Smashed Hit CONTROL
Try to remember the face and items from the beginning
Identity parade
Possible stolen items.
Criminal & stolen items: (how many did you get correct?)