The Institute of Demolition Engineers Spring Seminar


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The Institute of Demolition Engineers Spring Seminar Friday 27th February 2015 Royal Armouries, Clarence Dock Leeds LS10 1LT

Spring Seminar Booking Form 2015 £150.00 per place (no VAT) Please complete in full and return to: IDE Events, The Joiners Shop, Historic Dockyard, Chatham, Kent ME4 4TZ. Tel: 01634 816255 Email: Name and address of person making booking: For office use only 27.02.15 Booking IDE No: No. Of Guests: Inv. No: Paid on: Receipt Sent: Acknowledged: Total amount paid: Contact Telephone Number: Contact email address: Name(s) of those attending and IDE numbers: CLOSING DATE FOR BOOKINGS 20 February 2015 Payment Method (Please Circle): Cheque BACS Places will be confirmed only when full payment has been received by IDE. This booking form acts as an invoice. If you require a receipt please tick this box □ Payment can be made by using the following methods: Cheque: Please make cheques payable to: The Institute of Demolition Engineers BACS: Account Name: Institute of Demolition Engineers (Natwest) Account No: 71792589 Sort Code: 60-09-10 Reference: SS2014 Please inform when payment has been made.

Provisional Programme Invitation Duncan Rudall, IDE President, invites you to join him at the IDE Spring Seminar on Friday 27th February 2015 at the Royal Armouries, Leeds LS10 1LT. Come along and achieve your core IDE CPD (6 hours). For opportunities regarding Exhibition Space please contact Since 2007 the IDE’s Spring Seminar has been held at The Royal Armouries in Leeds. This has proved to be an extremely popular venue with our members and guests. We always receive a warm welcome and delegates very much enjoy the conference facilities provided. The museum is a multi-million pound purpose built building set in Clarence Dock. It houses a large collection of arms and armour and displays over 8,500 objects throughout its themed galleries. Provisional Programme 09:30 Registration Tea/Coffee in the Armouries Hall. Visit our Exhibitors 10:00 Seminar in the Bury Theatre 11:30 Coffee Break. Visit our Exhibitors 13:00 Lunch. Visit our Exhibitors 14:00 Seminar in the Bury Theatre 16:00 Seminar closes

Continuing Professional Development Six core IDE hours will be awarded for participating in the seminar Booking Conditions A booking cannot be confirmed until payment in full is received All cancellations or amendments to the original booking must be made in writing via email to the National Secretary The Institute will not be held responsible should the event not commence or is curtailed early for any reason outside their control. The Institute will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to personal items of any delegate or accompanying person or any injury caused to a delegate or accompanying person during or in connection with the event. The Institute will not be held responsible for their inability to accept a booking for this seminar due to it being over-subscribed. The Institute will not be held responsible for arranging any special dietary requirements, medical requests, etc., of delegates or accompanying persons but will endeavour to do so if these requirements are advised to IDE at the time of booking.