ITEP 2010 28/4/2010 – II Panda Russia Meeting – Maria Pia Bussa


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Presentation transcript:

Work in PandaRoot @Torino ITEP 2010 28/4/2010 – II Panda Russia Meeting – Maria Pia Bussa Recent results from Muon simulation and software in Torino Work in PandaRoot @Torino muon global tracking with the Muon System - pattern recognition based on GEANE track follower - implementation of MDT inside the Kalman filter - Multivariate algorithm for muon identification rejection of the secondary muon background acceptance study for dimuon in J/ψ formation just started search for discriminating variables for PID

Report on software activities with PandaRoot in Torino ITEP 2010 28/4/2010 – II Panda Russia Meeting – Maria Pia Bussa Recent results from Muon simulation and software in Torino Report on software activities with PandaRoot in Torino Design of the Muon Tracker (George Serbanut) MDT Pattern Recognition (Stefano Spataro) Muon vs Pion discrimination in PID (Marco Destefanis)

Simplified Geometry simplified geometry ArCo2 planes 2,5 cm thickness ITEP 2010 28/4/2010 –II Panda Russia Meeting – Maria Pia Bussa Recent results from Muon simulation and software in Torino Simplified Geometry (George Serbanut) simplified geometry ArCo2 planes 2,5 cm thickness PndMdt *Muo = new PndMdt("MDT",kTRUE): Muo->SetBarrel("torino"); Muo->SetEndcap("torino"); Muo->SetMuonFilter("torino"); fRun->AddModule(Muo); Barrel Encap Muon Filter

Geometry Implementations ITEP 2010 28/4/2010 –II Panda Russia Meeting – Maria Pia Bussa Recent results from Muon simulation and software in Torino Geometry Implementations MDT Design 10 @3GeV/c Barrel Endcap Muon Filter Forward CPU Time Simple 3 sec Real 3 min Magnet not aligned with MDT (dec 2009) Room for improvement? Waiting for new design

MdtHit from inner layer ITEP 2010 28/4/2010 –II Panda Russia Meeting – Maria Pia Bussa Recent results from Muon simulation and software in Torino Pattern Recognition MdtHit from inner layer one tracklet PndMdtTrk closest hit in next layer in a search cone and so on… and so on… Endcap and Muon Filter threated as single module

Total nuber of layer hit vs momentum@vertex 8/3/2010 – XXXII Panda Meeting, GSI – Marco Destefanis Muon subgroup meeting ITEP 2010 Total nuber of layer hit vs momentum@vertex - - muon pion Barrel Barrel+EC+MF EndcapC+MF

Interaction and decay of p- ITEP 2010 interaction decay

Final remarks Detector description ready in PandaRoot ITEP 2010 28/4/2010 –II Panda Russia Meeting – Maria Pia Bussa Recent results from Muon simulation and software in Torino Final remarks Detector description ready in PandaRoot Realistic simulation needed to evaluate layout and number of channel required Test on prototype essential to check MC expectations Muon System included in pattern recognition, track reconstruction and PID Lack of human resources for software work and beam test