Study Habits Goal: To provide students with strategies to complete tasks on time while maintaining a balanced life.
Study Habit #1: Be Prepared for Class Come to class on time, prepared with materials, and ready to learn. Leave all the other distractors at the door, and enjoy just being able to engage in learning…seriously, when will you ever have this time again in your life! What would someone see if they walked in a class where all students were prepared?
Study Habit #2: Take Notes Take notes in class—even if the teacher does not tell you to take notes. Use Cornell notes. We all have heard of Cornell notes. Take it a step further and review notes the CORNELL WAY.
Study Habit #3: Study Effectively Study every night even if you do not have homework—study notes, read a book, or get ahead on assignments. Meet with a teacher after school to reassess or get extra help. Study environment should be quiet without distractions. You want to study in a similar environment as you will be tested.
Final Thoughts… Balance is key. You must stay personally healthy to better deal with life and its challenges. Care for your brain—study even if you don’t have to.
At this time, please refer to your study skills checklist handout At this time, please refer to your study skills checklist handout. Take about 5 minutes to assess YOUR habits.
Pair and Share: Pair with someone who scored differently than you and share your top study skill. Discuss the strategies that work best for you. Pair with someone who scored the same as you and share the strategy you need improvement on the most. Together, discuss possible strategies you will try in the future.
Study Resources at Ferris: Ferris Homework Club Social Studies Tuesday – Thursday 2:45PM – 4:00PM Library Bus available at 4:00pm Science Math M116 English Monday – Thursday M203 ELD T-M103, W-M102, Th – M105 World Language Check with your world language teacher for days and times.
Registration Announcement Registration for the 2018/2019 school year will be January 30, 2018. More information will be available in January.
Class of 2021: Credit Requirements For the class of 2021 and beyond
Important Registration Suggestions: Please talk with your Science, Math and English teachers about course recommendations for next year before you register January 30th. Explore elective options and interview elective teachers. Make sure your courses align with your post- secondary pathway. Review all plans with your parents/guardian.
If you have additional time, please continue. Bonus Section If you have additional time, please continue.
Time Management
How Do You Manage Your Time? Video Length 4:00
Managing Your Time BALANCE! Life is not all homework! Make the most of every opportunity during high school by becoming/staying involved, but be sure to balance it all by using time management strategies effectively.
Fitting It All In. You Are In Control? Make a To-Do list every day. It is ok to say NO. Find the right time to study. Review your notes every day. Get enough sleep, exercise, and healthy foods. Communicate your schedule with your family. Don’t waste time agonizing and procrastinating.
Discussion What is your greatest challenge with managing your time? How do you budget your time? What are some strategies that work for you?