Revitalizing Churches to Grow Dr. Paul Kim BCNE Asian-American Church Planting Liaison Asian-American relations consultant Executive Committee, SBC
Overview Rekindle Prayer Groups Rediscover Text-driven Preaching Redevelop Inductive Bible Study Method Renew Evangelism Restart Disciple-Making Process Redirect Church Planting for Growth Paradigm Recommit Global Missions
Rekindle Prayer Groups Prayer coordinator(s) - Conversation with the living God like breathing on A-C-T-S Power of Prayer (Personal & Intercessory Prayer) Small groups of Prayer Church-wide Prayer Special Prayer Requests (Church events, retreats, missions...)
Overview Rekindle Prayer Groups Rediscover Text-driven Preaching Redevelop Inductive Bible Study Method Renew Evangelism Restart Disciple-Making Process Redirect Church Planting for Growth Paradigm Recommit Global Missions
Rediscover Text-driven Preaching Proclaim the Life, Death, Resurrection, and Return of Christ, and Judgment Preach the Word from the Bible itself Preach the relevant message to be applicable to the needs of the worshippers Preach powerfully under conviction of the Holy Spirit Preach with emphasis on doctrinal, pastoral, evangelistic, consecrated, and vocationally for the Lordship of Christ
Overview Rekindle Prayer Groups Rediscover Text-driven Preaching Redevelop Inductive Bible Study Method Renew Evangelism Restart Disciple-Making Process Redirect Church Planting for Growth Paradigm Recommit Global Missions
Redevelop Inductive Bible Study Method To become the student of the Bible Make the Bible to come alive & relevant to the church Small group discussion from the text (key verse, title, and question/answer) Expound the text by the Bible teacher
Overview Rekindle Prayer Groups Rediscover Text-driven Preaching Redevelop Inductive Bible Study Method Renew Evangelism Restart Disciple-Making Process Redirect Church Planting for Growth Paradigm Recommit Global Missions
Renew Evangelism Spiritual exercise Evangelism class - How to share the gospel effectively without fear to bear witnesses Give away your faith on F-O-R-M approach Family Occupation Religion Message Marketplace Evangelism – Fellowship with co- workers & develop new friendships Pray regularly for salvation of lost friends / coworkers / family / relatives on the prayer card
Overview Rekindle Prayer Groups Rediscover Text-driven Preaching Redevelop Inductive Bible Study Method Renew Evangelism Restart Disciple-Making Process Redirect Church Planting for Growth Paradigm Recommit Global Missions
Restart Disciple-making Process To fulfill the Great Commission Share life with young Christians for spiritual growth into maturity Help them to imitate the spiritual life to reproduce next generation disciples Develop the homegrown workers as team of church planters within the church
Overview Rekindle Prayer Groups Rediscover Text-driven Preaching Redevelop Inductive Bible Study Method Renew Evangelism Restart Disciple-Making Process Redirect Church Planting for Growth Paradigm Recommit Global Missions
Redirect Church Planting for Church Growth Paradigm God causes church to grow through church planting Understand that church plants churches to reproduce in church planting with the same DNA Church Growth comes from church planting Church Planting is God's design for Church Growth & Global Missions to fulfill the Great Commission Congregation gets excited for church plantings to support their pastor in church ministry & missions
Overview Rekindle Prayer Groups Rediscover Text-driven Preaching Redevelop Inductive Bible Study Method Renew Evangelism Restart Disciple-Making Process Redirect Church Planting for Growth Paradigm Recommit Global Missions
Recommit Global Missions The priority of church is in obedience of the Lord Jesus to fulfill the Great Commission To develop the missional church To lead the congregation on mission trips, church planting at home and abroad To build church in unity and cooperation as the family of God Pastor stays on beyond his retirement to pass the baton of leadership to his home-grown disciples as Senior pastor & pastoral staff into next generation
Questions and Answers Webpage: Dr. Paul Kim BCNE Asian-American Church Planting Liaison Executive Committee, SBC E-mail: 617-877-1930 (M)