July 2017 Response to comments on 802.1ACct - Amendment: Support for IEEE Std 802.15.3 PAR and CSD July 2017 Thomas Kürner, Chair 802.15 TG3d .
Response to Review Comments from 802.11 (doc.: IEEE 802.11-17-0858r1) July 2017 Response to Review Comments from 802.11 (doc.: IEEE 802.11-17-0858r1) 1. PAR 8.1 Typo – 802.15.3-2106 seems too far in future – change to 802.15.3-2016 Response: accepted 2. CSD and PAR Title does not match – the CSD title should be changed to match (it is a better description, but not really a name. 3. CSD 1.2.5 – how is there really a cost to this interface? a) through e) should be just “Not applicable”. Response: Revised. We follow the recommendation expressed in the comments from 802.3 .(see slide 7 of this presentation) Thomas Kürner, Chair 802.15 TG3d .
Response to Review Comments from 802.3 (1/5) July 2017 Response to Review Comments from 802.3 (1/5) PAR: 6.1.b (registration activity) — Please reconsider if this question is answered correctly. Will the new specifications reference registry assignments or terms (Std 802.1AC has significant reference to EtherType). An 8.1 explanation of the yes, or no should not be forgotten (for yes what registries/terns are being used (e.g., EtherType usage for EPD or LLC protocol encapsulation); if no indicate that addition of 802.15 specifications is not expected to add new text using registry terms. Response: We choose yes. Add the following sentence to 8.1. “We anticipate that the interface will reference Ethertype” Thomas Kürner, Chair 802.15 TG3d .
Response to Review Comments from 802.3 (2/5) July 2017 Response to Review Comments from 802.3 (2/5) PAR: 7.2 (joint development) — It might be appropriate to add a note in 8.1 that: 7.2, though not technically a joint development, 802.15 members that desire access will be invited to review drafts throughout the development process. (Assuming that the customary offer from 802.1 to other 802 WGs is extended to 802.15 on this project.) Response: accepted. Add “7.2, though not technically a joint development, 802.15 members that desire access will be invited to review drafts throughout the development process.“ Thomas Kürner, Chair 802.15 TG3d .
Response to Review Comments from 802.3 (3/5) July 2017 Response to Review Comments from 802.3 (3/5) CSD: 1.1.2 (coexistence) — Because 802.11 is already included in the base document, the statement that it is connecting to the wired world is not necessarily correct. The specifications will indicate the connection of of 802.15.3 to a bridging architectural entity. The answer could be improved for clarity and accuracy. The project will add specifications for a wireless technology, but those specifications are well above the physical layer and therefore will not involve coexistence issues related to use of wireless spectrum. Response: Accepted. Replace “This is not a wireless project. It concerns the interface to the wired world“ by “The project will add specifications for a wireless technology, but those specifications are well above the physical layer and therefore will not involve coexistence issues related to use of wireless spectrum”. Thomas Kürner, Chair 802.15 TG3d .
Response to Review Comments from 802.3 (4/5) July 2017 Response to Review Comments from 802.3 (4/5) CSD: 1.2.1, a, last sentence (broad market) — The ISS is far removed from the 802.14.3 media, and the sentence should be rewritten. Perhaps: Attaching IEEE 802.15.3 networks to . . . Response: Last sentence revised as follows: “Attaching IEEE 802.15.3 networks to a MAC bridge in data centers makes this possible“ Thomas Kürner, Chair 802.15 TG3d .
Response to Review Comments from 802.3 (5/5) July 2017 Response to Review Comments from 802.3 (5/5) CSD: 1.2.5 (economic feasibility) — For item a, it might be more accurate to indicate that the specification is for bridges, and they are typically considered part of the infrastructure of networks. It adds functionality to bridging but does not change the balance. Item b, would be more accurate if stated: Similar to other wireless specifications currently included in IEEE Std 802.1AC. Response: Change item a) as follows: “The specification is for bridges, and they are typically considered part of the infrastructure of networks. It adds functionality to bridging but does not change the balance. „ Change item b) as follows: “Similar to other wireless specifications currently included in IEEE Std 802.1AC“ Thomas Kürner, Chair 802.15 TG3d .
Response to Review Comments from 802.x (doc.: xxxx) July 2017 Response to Review Comments from 802.x (doc.: xxxx) xxx Thomas Kürner, Chair 802.15 TG3d .