Higher History Issue 2 - Success of the Liberal Reforms
How successful were the Liberal reforms? Task 1 First Page - How successful were the Liberal reforms? Leave 2 pages between each heading- Introduction Factor 1 - Reforms for the Young Factor 2 - Reforms for the Old Factor 3 - Reforms for the Sick Factor 4 - Reforms for the Unemployed Factor 5 - Reforms for the Employed
Which 4-5 areas did the Liberals target? Introduction Background - What help was available before the reforms? Booth and Rowntree The Victorian Workhouse.mp4 Changing attitudes Factors Which 4-5 areas did the Liberals target? Line of argument The Liberals tackled some areas more successfully than others. The Liberals were mostly successful in tackling the problem of poverty. Given how revolutionary the reforms were at the time, it is important not to judge the Liberal reforms too harshly. The Liberal reforms left too many exceptions to be considered a success.
Section 1 - The Young
What actions did the Liberal government take? What evidence is there that these reforms were successful? What arguments can be made to dispute the success of the Liberal reforms in regards to the young? p56-57 p127-129 p55-58 p98-99
School Meals Negative Positive
Medical Inspections Positive Negative
Children's Charter Positive Negative
School Meals Medical Inspections Provision of School Meals Act 1906, Local authorities - rates, one meal per day during term. Positive - By 1914 14 million free school meals were being provided. Therefore it can be argued that a large number of children were being properly fed for the first time. They would be better able to concentrate and therefore have more chance of gaining a better education and a route out of poverty. Negative - As the scheme was voluntary, many councils (2/3 by 1911) had not taken up the scheme. Therefore, many children who needed free meals were excluded. Furthermore, the meals were only available during term time, thus children suffered during the holidays. Education Act 1907, 3 inspections per child, 1912 - clinics established in schools to treat problems. Medical Inspections Positive - The inspections meant that medical problems were being identified, and after 1912, many children were treated at school. Negative - Whilst problems were diagnosed, before 1912 they were not treated.
Children's Charter Evaluation Set age limits for drinking, smoking and fireworks. Children were banned from begging. Juvenile courts and borstals set up. Children's Charter Positive - This was a huge step forward as it showed the government's determination to protect children. Adult prisons had been dangerous and intimidating places for juveniles, and having separate facilities made the penal system safer. Negative - Age limits were difficult to enforce, and many parents resented the government telling them what they could and couldn't do with their children. Evaluation 'The Government was little by little accepting responsibility...From small reforms like meals for children, greater developments grew'. D.Fraser This suggests that... 'Much of the State’s activity in connection with children ... was resented by parents as an infringement of their role.' This suggests that...
Young Song Challenge Song 1 Song 2 Song 3 Song 4 Song 5
Section 2 - The Elderly
What actions did the Liberal government take? What evidence is there that these reforms were successful? What arguments can be made to dispute the success of the Liberal reforms in regards to the old? p129-130 p58-59 p100 p61-62
Old Age Pensions Act 1908, Available to those over 70, 5s for singles, 7s 6d for couples, Entitlement stopped once your weekly income exceeded 12s, Collected at the Post Office. Pensions Positive - Hugely popular as it prevented the elderly from having to go to the poorhouse. It also relieved the strain on families who had to care for elderly relatives, and helped 970,000 people by 1914. Negative - The 5s payout was 2s below Rowntree's poverty line, and so a pension alone was not enough to prevent poverty. Life expectancy was well below the 70 year qualifying age and so many had to endure years of poverty before they could claim the pension or did not live long enough to claim it. Evaluation 'Even these small doles meant life itself for many among the elderly poor'. Roberts. This suggests that... 'Thank goodness for that Lord George'. F.Thompson in Lark Rise. This suggests that... 'The state provided a meagre pension to those over 70'. A.J.P Taylor. This would suggest that...
Old Song Challenge Song 1 Song 2 Song 3 Song 4
Section 3 - The Sick
What problems did the sick face? What actions did the Liberal government take? What evidence is there that these reforms were successful? What arguments can be made to dispute the success of the Liberal reforms in regards to the sick? p130-131 p59-61 p102-103
National Insurance Act Part 1 (1911), workers earning <£160 were entitled to 26 weeks of payments (10s for 13 weeks, then 5s for the next 13), free medicine and medical attention was provided for insured workers. Male workers paid 4d per week, employers 3d and the government 2d. Lloyd George claimed this entitled the worker to 'nine pence for four pence'. Legislation Positive - The government were now stepping in to provide an income for workers who suffered from ill-health. The payments could prevent families from falling in to poverty. As it was an insurance scheme, workers felt that they had contributed and were not receiving handouts. Negative - Workers who earned more than £160 were not covered, nor were the families of workers who qualified. The Act also failed to cover workers who suffered from long term sickness, nor did it provide long-term medical treatment. Furthermore some workers resented having to pay money each week, regarding it as a pay cut. Pearce and Stewart; 'The single most important piece of social legislation of the 20th century'. This suggests that...
Section 4 - The Unemployed
The Unemployed What actions did the Liberal government take? What evidence is there that these reforms were successful? What arguments can be made to dispute the success of the Liberal reforms in regards to the unemployed? p131-132 p61-62 p100-102
Legislation National Insurance Act Part 2 (1911), unemployed workers in 7 trades (e.g. shipbuilding) were entitled to 7s per week for a maximum of 15 weeks per year. Labour Exchanges were established. These were like job centres, where employers posted details about job vacancies, and those looking for work could register their skills and experience. Positive - 2.3 million workers in industries where work tended to fluctuate were now protected from seasonal unemployment. The Labour exchanges were far more efficient than workers simply queuing at factory gates, and by 1914, 3000 workers per day were being hired through Labour Exchanges. Negative - The Act only covered those employed in certain trades, and so many were not protected by the legislation. In addition, the benefit stopped after 15 weeks and so long-term unemployment remained a problem. Jobs offered in Labour Exchanges tended to be low-paid, and so it has been argued that they were used by employers to exploit cheap labour.
Section 5 - The Low-Paid What problems were faced by workers? What actions did the Liberal government take? What evidence is there that these reforms were successful? What arguments can be made to dispute the success of the Liberal reforms in regards to the employed? p132 p62
Legislation Workmen's Compensation Act 1906. Employers had to pay compensation to workers injured at work or who contracted illnesses because of their working conditions. Coal Mines Act 1908. Gave miners an 8 hour working day. Trade Boards Act 1909. Boards were established to negotiate minimum wage levels in 'sweated' trades e.g. tailoring. Shops Act 1911. Shop workers were given a half day off per week and reasonable meal breaks. Positive - For the first time, the government was becoming involved in the marketplace to impose minimum standards. This was a break from laissez faire and the foundation on which further reforms could be built. Negative - The legislation only covered certain workers in certain industries. It was not comprehensive and many workers were left without adequate levels of protection.
Evaluation +
Essay Title How successfully did the Liberal Government 1906-1914 deal with the problem of poverty?
Attachments The Victorian Workhouse.mp4