Customer Profile (Target) HostedBizz Cloud Services Battlecard The Cloud Market Last year, 1 in 5 businesses had no IT assets on-premise signaling the rapid adoption of cloud Hybrid & public cloud growing faster than private cloud due to their simplicity Server replacement (IaaS) is fastest growing segment of Cloud - 41.3% CAGR through 2016 (Gartner) Cloud segments: (1) Infrastructure as a Service, (2) Platform-aaS (3) Desktop-aaS (4) Software-aaS The Offer [Your brand] is an IaaS (Cloud) offering which extends your business guaranteed computing resources on shared physical infrastructure & networking resources. Chose your Virtual Machine (VM) (server) and be up and running within minutes. Options include: Custom VM for developers & IT managers Linux VM for open source clients Windows VM for Windows server and clients Service Features Hourly utility billing Guaranteed compute resources (not just a shared pool) Scalable, on-demand resources (consume and pay for resources as required) Many VMware based OS templates and specialty applications Online ordering, monitoring and management Strengths of HostedBizz Carrier-grade infrastructure Dedicated (guaranteed) compute resources – never shared, highest Service Level Agreement available High availability clusters for built-in redundancy Scalable, on-demand resources Persistent storage (huge competitive differentiator) Self-service portal including real-time cloud meter ($) Weaknesses (not suitable for): Environments with high storage requirements – for this a local SAN is more appropriate Organizations bound by strict regulatory requirements “Elite” environments – those with performance demands that justify their own infrastructure or dedicated solution Customer Profile (Target) Small and mid-size businesses IT professionals (for use in R&D environments) Target Opportunities Fast growing start-ups Legacy applications running on end-of-life hardware Seasonal or event driven traffic Bandwidth intensive apps e.g. video streaming, conferencing, production, heavy database apps Real-time apps e.g. voice, video, streaming R&D environments/ business Service orgs e.g. outsourced IT firms, IT suppliers Anyone looking to move from a capex to opex model Business Benefits Avoid reinvestment in IT assets Eliminate ongoing server maintenance, power & cooling Convert capital costs into opex Deploy IT assets according to your business needs Enable a cost-effective off-site backup & DR plan Eliminate idle time associated with server provisioning and scaling Guarantee performance of your critical business apps Monitor and manage your configurations and account details with ease and convenience Differentiators Guaranteed, always on, flexible VMware based Carrier-grade infrastructure. Many of the largest Cloud providers are not Dedicated compute resources. Others utilize shared compute resources which can impact app performance High availability clusters for built-in redundancy – majority of Cloud providers do not include redundancy