2 Samuel Lesson 2 Dale Moore dale@dalemoore.tv
2 Samuel 6 David seeks to relocate ark Been at house of Abinadab Uzzah struck dead when he touched ark Be certain to read 1 Chronicles 13-16
Chapter 6 David tries again to relocate the ark, this time by the Law Worship Sacrifice David exhibits unrestrained worship unto the Lord People went home, David went to bless his house
Chapter 6 Michal despises her husband David sets aside his kingly-honor to be humble before the Lord and His people Michal barren
Chapter 6 Important to understand David took the ark to Jerusalem and placed it in a tent he provided The “Tabernacle of Moses” was in Gibeon Sacrifice still being made
Chapter 6 “Tabernacle of Moses” Continued w/o the ark of the covenant had not been together in years “Tabernacle of David” worship before the Lord w/o the sacrifices
2 Samuel 7 David desires to build a house for the ark, for the Lord The Word of the Lord through Nathan “Davidic Covenant” David’s response - prayer, worship, acceptance Sat before the Lord
2 Samuel 7 David desired to build a house for God God told David that He would make him into a house that would last forever
2 Samuel 8 David was successful in battle Large area of land Defeated the enemies of Israel
2 Samuel 9 David - is there someone? Mephibosheth - Jonathan’s son Given all the land of Saul - Ziba would tend Sits at the King’s table