EOC (Pre-ID’s & Test Scores) Megan VanDeventer State and Federal Compliance
This session will go through Pre-ID Data Extraction including template options and EOC setup areas. Overview of EOC Processing Setup Template options
Overview of EOC Setup & Processing 1. Create Tests in Test Builder 2. Associate Courses that students take the EOC test 3. EOC Import Code Setup 4. Complete Import Setup in Test 5. Import Test Scores 6. Setup Calculation of EOC Test into Student’s Final EOC Grade Bucket 7. Use EOC Grade Calculation by EOC Import Run Utility
Student Configuration Turn on option to “Use End of Course (EOC) Score Bucket PS\CA\DS\CF
Setup 1. Create Tests in Test Builder Crosswalk Test Name to State Code Edition – pulled as Test Publication Year in Survey 5 (Student Assessment Format) Test Sections – Admin & Score
Setup 2. Associate Courses that students take the EOC test Expand EOC Details in test Add Course Links - EOC Course Link Utility – “Curriculum By Individual”
Setup 3. EOC Import Code Setup (can be run from 000 Entity) WS\OF\CA\TS\PS\CO\EO Creates the framework that holds all scores and grademarks a student can receive for a test. Choosing “Xref Based on Year” is appropriate when every entity uses the same grading system (i.e. 400-500 = A, 300-399 = B…). If different entities use different grading systems, choose “Xref Based on Entity and Year”. This means each entity must be set up individually, but this step can be completed from the 000 entity
Setup Enter Score/Grade Xref records for each Grade Mark and Year When importing scores, the system reads this Xref setup to determine which Grademark to enter into the EOC Grade Bucket.
Setup 4. Complete Import Setup in Test Expand Import Setup under EOC Details in Test Select appropriate EOC Import Code Grade Mark Update Options: Always Overwrite Only Overwrite with Higher Grade Mark Do Not Overwrite Select where the system will locate the Score
Setup 5. Import Test Scores (WS\AD\SB\IM\TW) Test Link Setup Field Link Setup Determine how to link to student records – PR 3498861 to Add FLEID as available option Determine where to locate Score in file Click “Run” to enter Name and Test Date – creates Test record for student and imports Grademark score into student’s EOC Grade Bucket in Grade record.
Setup 6. Setup Calculation of EOC Test into Student’s Final EOC Grade Bucket Determine how Final EOC Grade Bucket is calculated WS\OF\GR\PS\CF\GP > EOC Calc Methods *EOC Grouping Codes no longer required*
EOC Grouping Codes Reflective of courses selected in EOC GPA Method Created for each Grad Req Base year where an EOC exam became required Can create 1 generic EOC Grouping Code if all students are being processed the same way (70/30) Previously, may have needed a code of 014 for 2014 Grad Requirements Base Year and 015 for 2015 Grad Requirements Base Year
Setup Verify Grade Marks are defined for EOC bucket value worth Include in Grade Calculations
Processing 7. Use EOC Grade Calculation by EOC Import Run Utility WS\OF\GR\PS\UT > EOC Grade Calculation by EOC Import Run Select which “Run” of Imported Scores you want to calculate 70/30
After Setup and Processing Final EOC Grade Bucket contains calculated grade student received based on both Final Grade and EOC Test Grade. WS\ST\TB\GR\SI\GH
Export EOC PreID Data Export EOC Pre-ID Data (WS\SR\FL\OE\SE\ES)
PreID Template Options Export EOC Pre-ID Data (WS\SR\FL\OE\SE\ES) Student Export Options Note Alias ID to Use is Not Applicable for Winter EOC PreID’s
PreID Template Options Student Selection Use Student Selection Options to pull students to test: By Range/Processing List Range/Individual Student Processing List Only None
PreID Template Options R – Range - Selecting this button allows you to enter in the Ranges for the students to pull. I – Include - Selecting this button allows you to select which specific Processing List you want to pull PreID data for, even if those students would not fall within the Ranges selected in the “R” button. E – Exclude - Selecting this button allows you to select which specific Processing List you do not want to pull PreID data for, even if those students would fall within the Ranges selected in the “R” button.
PreID Template Options Ranges for Biology 1 (Course) Include Students who took EOC course in 2018 who did not take/pass associated test below Must select specific terms to extract for Include students who took EOC course prior to 2018 who did not take/pass associated test below Includes students enrolled in EOC course in previous years and can narrow down years Exclude students who previously took EOC course in a prior year and earned credit. Excludes students that passed EOC course
PreID Template Options Ranges for Biology 1 Test Takers (Students) Include students taking associated test for the first time Very wide range Include students retaking the associated test Will include retakers of the specific test Only include retakers who did not pass the test Will exclude all students who passed the specific test the first time In this example Ranges setup, students will extract who are currently OR previously enrolled in an EOC Biology 1 course, and who did not take the EOC test OR took the EOC test but did not pass.
PreID Template Options Test Name – Select the Test Name within your system that is linked to the appropriate test code. Subject Content – select the Subject Content Code within your system that is linked to the appropriate state subject content code. Score Type – Select the Score Type that the system will look at to determine the passing score. Passing Score – Only enter the passing score if you want re-takers to pull.
PreID Template Options Student Ranges & Entity Selection
View Exported Files/Save Locally For Submission
Setup for Out of State Assessments No records for student in Test Scores area of Student Profile
Setup for Out of State Assessments Create Generic Out of State Test in Test Builder Do not crosswalk to any state codes Test does not need any sections Up to District to determine how to create these tests One test or several generic EOC subject tests
Setup for Out of State Assessments Add the test record to the student’s Test Score Tab Reminder as to why/how the student qualified for Date Passed Math and has Passed Calculated values entered Enter Date Passed Information in this area Passed Override value “Y” will print record on student transcript