Formed March 17, 1856, five years before Kansas’ statehood. Freemasonry is the oldest, largest and most widely recognized fraternal organization in the world Kansas Freemasonry has more than 16,500 Kansas Masons and 212 Lodges.
The Kansas Masonic Foundation was founded in 1966 to encourage philanthropy from Kansas Masons. Over the 50 years of its existence, the Foundation, which is the charitable arm of The Grand Lodge of Kansas has given thousands of scholarships and millions of dollars to deserving students in Kansas.
Kansas Masonic All State High School Marching Band Camp is held in late July at the site of the Bowl. Annually, a total of 180 to 250 of Kansas high school musicians are showcased in this event that includes pre-game and halftime performances.
The band also performs before the Shrine Bowl Banquet on the Friday night prior to the game and at a downtown parade the next morning. Camp fees are sponsored by Lodges and Masonic Organizations throughout the state. Any proceeds are used to support the Shriners Hospitals for Children.
Every year, the Kansas Masonic Foundation also offers an Outstanding Musician Award to one high school senior or incoming college freshman who attended camp.
SCHOLARSHIPS Other participants are eligible for scholarship awards of either: $1500 $1000 $500
For East-West Shrine Bowl Band Camp inquiries, please contact our Director of Development and Programs, Dave Hendricks at (785) 357-7646 or You may also contact a member of your Local Masonic Lodge.
In 2017, Kansas Masons awarded 373 scholarships to Kansas students totaling more than $326,000. Since 2014, Kansas Masons have awarded over $1,100,000 in scholarships.
The scholarships, which range from $500 to $5,000, are awarded to graduating high school seniors and students already attending two- and four-year universities and colleges, including vocational and technical schools, throughout the state.
TECHNICAL COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS $500 Scholarships to attend any of the following schools: Flint Hills Technical College, Emporia, KS Manhattan Area Technical College, Manhattan, KS North Central Kansas Technical College, Beloit, KS Northwest Kansas Technical College, Goodland, KS Salina Area Technical College, Salina, KS Washburn Institute of Technology, Topeka, KS Wichita Area Technical College, Wichita, KS Scholarship submission deadline is March 15th.
COMMUNITY /JUNIOR COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP $500 Scholarships to attend any of the following schools: Allen Community College, Iola, KS Barton Community College, Great Bend, KS Butler Community College, El Dorado, KS Cloud County Community College, Concordia, KS Coffeyville Community College, Coffeyville, KS Colby Community College, Colby, KS Cowley Community College, Arkansas City, KS Dodge City Community College, Dodge City, KS Fort Scott Community College, Fort Scott, KS Garden City Community College, Garden City, KS Highland Community College, Highland, KS Hutchinson Community College, Hutchinson, KS Independence Community College, Independence, KS Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, KS Kansas City Community College, Kansas City, KS Labette Community College, Parsons, KS Neosho Community College, Chanute, KS Pratt County Community college, Pratt, KS Seward County Community College, Liberal, KS Scholarship submission deadline is March 15th.
CRITERIA FOR TECHNICAL AND COMMUNITY/JUNIORCOLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS Must be a Kansas Resident Must be attending one of the Technical or Community/Junior Colleges listed High School Diploma/GED Demonstrate Financial Need
GENERAL SCHOLARSHIPS $1,000 Scholarships to attend any of the following schools: Emporia State University Fort Hays State University Kansas State University Pittsburg State University University of Kansas Washburn University Wichita State University
CRITERIA Kansas Resident GENERAL SCHOLARSHIPS Kansas Resident Must be attending on of the seven identified Kansas Universities/Colleges 12 credit hours per semester Demonstrate Financial Need
LEGACY SCHOLARSHIP Guidelines $1,000 Scholarship to any U.S. College/University that has Accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission. Or, a $500 Scholarship to any of the Technical or Community/Junior Colleges in Kansas that are identified by KMF.
CRITERIA Must be one of the following: LEGACY SCHOLARSHIP Legacy of a Kansas Mason (child or self) Member of DeMolay International for at least 2 years Member of International Order of the Rainbow for Girls for at least 2 years Member of Job’s Daughter International for at least 2 years 12 Credit Hours Per Semester Demonstrate Financial Need
RUTH RUSSELL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES $5,000 in scholarship funds available to one or more of the following schools: Emporia State University Fort Hays State University Kansas State University Pittsburg State University University of Kansas Washburn University Wichita State University The Scholarship specifically goes to support students who have a medically approved disability.
CRITERIA CYNTHIA RUTH RUSSELL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FOR MEDICALLY APPROVED DISABILITIES Kansas Resident Living with a disability as defined by the World Health Organization. Must be attending on of the seven identified Kansas Universities/Colleges 12 credit hours per semester Demonstrate Financial Need
SPECIAL NOTE Our application process is now online only. To apply go to: Select Programs Select Kansas Masonic Scholarships Select link to apply Applications are only accepted from December 1st thru March 15th A link to the online application will be added to our website the day before the application process begins.
The Masonic Grand Lodge of Kansas gives high school juniors and seniors looking to earn some cash another opportunity to do so with an essay contest. The contest is for juniors and seniors in tax-supported public high schools of Kansas.
ESSAY CONTEST Winners of the contest will compete for state scholarships, and they must enroll in a Kansas tax-supported accredited university, college, community college, or vocational-technical school in order to receive the award. The scholarship money is then forwarded to the student’s Kansas school of choice upon receipt of confirmation of their enrollment. A total of $12,000 will be awarded in prizes, and the first place winner will receive $4,000, while the second place winner will get $3,000 and the third place winner $2,000, with the fourth place winner taking $1,000. Four honorable mentions will also be awarded $500 each.
ESSAY CONTEST All juniors and seniors are eligible and urged to contact local Masonic Lodge members for details. Essays cannot exceed 500 words, and only winners on the local level are eligible to represent a lodge at the state level. Essays must be submitted on or before Nov. 1 to be judged for the statewide competition.
Facebook: Kansas Masonic All-State High School Marching Band
18 High School teams and 18 College teams participated in the state wide competition on April 24th in Manhattan. Six teams from each division shared in the $77,500 that was awarded. HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE 1st Place - $10,000 $25,000 2nd Place - $5,000 $12,000 3rd Place - $2,500 $7,500 4th Place - $1,500 $2,500 2nd Chance - $1,000 2nd Chance - $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Kansas Entrepreneurship Challenge