The Articles of Confederation The Articles of Confederation provided a framework for the National Government.
Key Vocabulary Magna Carta Constitution Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom Suffrage Articles of Confederation Ratification Land Ordinance of 1785 Northwest Ordinance of 1787 Northwest Territory
Locke up Government Documents such as the magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights force government officials to follow the Rule of Law and limited the power of the Monarch John Locke’s Theory of a Social Contract created responsibility of the government to protect its people Baron de Montesquieu’s Theory of Separation of governmental powers also influenced the colonies
The State of our New Union As America Grew as a colony they began to set up model governments with constitutions to guide their laws Some state governments turned to Limited Governments, democracies and separate branches of government Some States created a Bill of rights for their government patterned after the English Bill of Rights to protect the people from government All state Governments Became republics with a representative form of Government and some even banned slavery
A BIG step forward and a GIANT step back Thomas Jefferson Created the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom to separate Church and State While many states expanded the right to vote to any while male tax payer, only land owners could hold public office Some States allowed Women and Free Africans to vote, but these rights would be repealed
A True Article The Second continental congress looked to set up a national government after the war and selected ONE member from each state to help set up the Articles of Confederation Under The Articles of Confederation we created a ONE house congress where each state had ONE vote in government Congress Had the Power to: Settle conflicts among the states Issue Coins Borrow Money Make Treaties with Other Countries and Native Americans Ask States for Money And Soldiers
I smell a RAT…ifying The states controlled taxes and controlled the land around the Appalachian mountains The Articles were passed in 1777 but smaller states, like Maryland, would not ratify them Smaller states were at a disadvantage because they could not use the Appalachian territory to settle war debts When Thomas Jefferson agreed that western lands would be made into new states Maryland agreed to ratify the Articles of Confederation
Laws of the Lands Land Ordinance of 1785 Divided land into 36 square mile townships divided into 36 lots of 640 Acres Each The lands would be known as the Northwest Territory One Lot was used for Public School, 4 lots were given to Veterans, and the rest were sold to the public Northwest Ordinance of 1787 NW Territory included Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and parts of Minnesota Described how the NW Territory would be governed and Self-governed When a territory had 5000 men they could create a government selected by men who owned 50 acres of land When a Territory had 60,000 men they could become a state
More Laws of the Land NW Ordinance set laws for settlers rights and outlawed slavery in the territory Rivers in the Territory were free to navigate and freedom of religion and trial by jury were guaranteed The NW Ordinance set the United States up for Orderly controlled growth
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