Opening the Last 3 Seals Revelation 6:9-8:1
Who will be God’s Witness during the Tribulation? The Fifth Seal Who will be God’s Witness during the Tribulation? The “Two Witnesses” (Rev. 11) The 144,000 who are “Sealed” The Holy Bible
The Sixth Seal There will be a “Great Earthquake” The rich and powerful will hide in fear No one will be able to stand in the Day of God’s Wrath
The 144,000 are Sealed They are Jews from the 12 Tribes of Israel All attempts to destroy the Jewish people will fail They will be like 144,000 Apostles of Christ Millions will be saved through their preaching
What is heaven like for my loved ones? They are before God’s Throne day and night They will never hunger or thirst God will wipe away every tear from their eyes
The Seventh Seal TO BE CONTINUED… There was Silence in Heaven This is the “Calm before the Storm” TO BE CONTINUED…