From: Beyond the classical receptive field: The effect of contextual stimuli Journal of Vision. 2015;15(9):7. doi:10.1167/15.9.7 Figure Legend: Hypothetical wiring diagram for the perceptual filling in of the blind spot. (A) Cortical representation of the blind spot of the right eye when both eyes are open. The blind spot, clearly visible by the empty notch at the level of the LGN, is completely obscured in V1 due to input from the left eye. (B) Cortical representation of the same area, when the left eye is closed. Here the area corresponding to the blind spot is “filled in” at the level of V1 by feedback from neighboring layers 2/3 onto layer 6. In both cases, the blind spot is not perceived. (From Komatsu, H. (2011). Bridging gaps at V1: Neural responses for filling-in and completion at the blind spot. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 53, 413–420.) Date of download: 12/31/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.