The new Higher History THE HOW FULLY QUESTION


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Presentation transcript:

The new Higher History THE HOW FULLY QUESTION Migration and empire

The source contextualisation question (9 marks) The How Fully Question How fully does Source D describe/explain…? A judgement must be made about the extent to which the source provides a full description or explanation Up to 3 marks can be given for the identification of points from the source that support the judgement. Points from the source must be interpreted rather than merely copied. Up to 7 marks can be given for points of significant omission, based on a candidates own knowledge, that support their judgement. A maximum of 2 marks will be awarded for answers containing no judgement.

How fully does Source …..describe/explain….(9 marks) 1. Source….partially/partly describes/explains…… (You must make a judgement first) 2. (MOVE ONTO YOUR SOURCE POINTS(3 POINTS)- YOU SHOULD QUOTE AND EXPLAIN BY LINKING TO QUESTION) Firstly the source says“…………………………………………”Here the source shows/illustrates……....(LINK TO QU AND EXPLAIN) Secondly the source says “………………………………………………….” This means that…………………………………………….. The source also states that “…………………………………….” and this links to the question because……………………

How fully does Source …..describe/explain….(9 marks) (3) You should now include a section of recall which details relevant points the source fails to discuss. Make sure each point is linked to the question. Eg.. However the source does not give a full description/explanation of…………because it fails to mention If the source fully explained …………. we would have expected it to have included…………………. There are also points relevant to the question that are not mentioned in the source. The source fails to mention that…………………………………………. It also should have included…….. ……………………………………… In addition, the source omits to mention that…………………………... Finally it ought to have included………………………………………….

Sample Answer from question 1 2015 Paper Source A gives a fairly full explanation of the reasons for Scottish migration.(judgement) Firstly the source says “following the collapse of the kelp trade landlords were looking for change”. Here the source shows that many Scots migrated due to the failure of the kelp industry because landlords were looking for new ways to make their money. (1 mark for interpreting the source) Furthermore, the source says “that many landlords were of the view , by the 1840s, that it could only be of benefit to them to rid their lands and property of people.” This means that many Scots migrated because landlords wanted to clear their land of people.(1 mark for interpreting the source) The source also states that “they attempted to do this following the hardship of the famine period.” This shows that many Scots were encouraged or forced to migrate because they had suffered with the failure of the potato crop in the 1840s and the famine which followed disrupted many lives. Finally the source mentions that “ Gordon chartered a fleet of five ships to transport 1,700 people from his properties to Canada.” This shows that many Scots were encouraged and helped to emigrate by their landlords , who often even paid for their fare .

However, Source A does not give a full explanation of the reasons for Scots migration. It fails to mention that landowners employed factors to run their estates. These factors forcibly evicted crofters – sometimes burning their houses. Evictions were at a peak in the 1840’s. It also fails to mention that Highlanders were sometimes seasonal migrants – They worked on their crofts in the planting and harvesting seasons then got jobs as “navvies” on the railways or roads. Moreover the source doesn’t mention that many Scots migrated to the cities because changes in farming methods and new technology meant there were fewer jobs available. Nor does it mention that poor wages, long hours and very basic housing pushed people to a better life in the city or abroad. The source also fails to mention that many Scots migrated because improved transport links and the development of the railways made it more affordable and cheaper for people to start a new life somewhere new. The source also fails to mention that social attraction in the towns, like cinemas and football matches appealed to many Scots and led to their migration.

Another Approach to Recall The previous slides have detailed a straight- forward way to answer the how fully and you can achieve 9/9 by using this approach It is also possible to pick up recall marks however by including information ( from your own knowledge) which is connected or a further development of a source point you have illustrated. Eg . Furthermore, the source says “that many landlords were of the view , by the 1840s, that it could only be of benefit to them to rid their lands and property of people.” This means that many Scots migrated because landlords wanted to clear their land of people.(1 mark for interpreting the source) Landowners employed factors to run their estates. These factors forcibly evicted crofters – sometimes burning their houses. Evictions were at a peak in the 1840’s. (1 mark for Recall connected to the source)