The Hope session 5 A couple of weeks ago we discussed God’s plan through Abraham Today we will discuss the “People of the Promise”, the descendants of Abraham: Isaac, Jacob, Joseph
Let’s read again about that promise through Abraham in Genesis 22:15-17 (page 31) in English and Chinese The covenant promise given by God to Abraham was: “I swear by myself, declares the LORD, that because you (Abraham) have done this and have not withheld your son (Isaac), your only son, I will surely . . . . . you and make your descendants as . . . . . . . as the . . . . . . in the . . . . and as the . . . . . on the . . . . . . . . . “ (Gen. 22:15-17) bless numerous stars sky sand seashore This promise of God passes through Abraham’s descendants: Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, etc. Who was Joseph? Let’s first have a look at Abraham’s family tree.
Kohath Amram Moses king David virgin Mary Jesus, the Son of God
Watch the movie “The Hope” Chapter 6: People of the Promise online in English or in Chinese or in (with English subtitles) on DVD.
How Joseph ended up in Egypt Genesis 37 Jacob, also named Israel, loved his son Joseph. Therefore and because Joseph had dreams, his brothers were jealous and threw him in a pit, sold him to traders to Egypt, dipped his clothes in blood and told father Jacob that Joseph was eaten by a wild beast. What kind of emotions would Joseph have towards his brothers? What do you think about the story that the brothers told their father?
Joseph entered Egypt as a slave (read Gen. 39:1-6) Joseph was trapped in a false accusation (read Gen. 39:7-20) What was the trap? Where did he end up? However, God placed Joseph in a powerful position (read Gen. 39:21-23) What was Joseph’s attitude ? Where did that attitude come from?
In Genesis 40 we see that God gave Joseph the gift of interpretation of dreams. One dream was about the cupbearer of Pharaoh who was put in prison where Joseph was. Joseph interpreted the dream in God’s power. Joseph says to the cupbearer: 14But when all goes well with you, remember me and show me kindness; mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison. 15I was forcibly carried off from the land of the Hebrews, and even here I have done nothing to deserve being put in a dungeon.” The cupbearer got back his position and forgot the promise to mention Joseph. Joseph was mistreated again. How many more years did Joseph spend in prison? Read Gen. 41:1
Read Genesis 41:1-16 Pharaoh asked Joseph to interpret dreams. To whom Joseph gives the honor? Verse 16. Joseph interprets a dream correctly: a famine would come (verse 25). Read Genesis 41:28-40 Pharaoh placed Joseph in authority over entire Egypt (verse 33). Joseph advises to build grain storehouses for the 7 years of famine (verse 35)
Genesis 42, Genesis 43 and Genesis 44 The famine came over the earth and Joseph’s family suffered back home in the land of Canaan. But in Egypt Joseph had built the storehouses full of food. The 10 brothers who sold Joseph now come to Egypt. Although Joseph was betrayed by his brothers he still loved his family, but he tests them by asking them to bring Benjamin, their younger brother, and when he comes, threatening to put him into prison. He sees that his brothers have changed, as they are prepared to give their life for Benjamin. Then Joseph reveals himself to them... Genesis 45 Read Genesis 45:1-11.
Genesis 45 and Genesis 46 God used Joseph and his circumstances to show His grace and preserve the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jacob and all his descendants (his sons with their families) come to Egypt and can live in the best place of Egypt. Genesis 47 – 50 When Jacob / Israel is about to die, he blesses his sons, all with a specific blessing. Judah is mentioned as the ruler, although he is not the eldest. Among his descendants are king David and Jesus! When Jacob had died, the brothers became afraid again. Why? Read Genesis 50:15-21 How, you think, did the brothers feel after Joseph’s answer?
Discuss 4 questions in two small groups Can you remember you had to forgive someone, or someone had to forgive you? What was the difference before and after? Does Joseph’s answer (Gen. 50: 19-21) mean anything for us in terms of forgiveness? Do you need forgiveness from God? Do you think Joseph is an example of “someone” who came later? Jesus endured much injustice during his three years of ministry. He forgave many. He died for all sinners. In the end, Jesus said after his resurrection: “All power has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” (Matthew 28:18)