Word Problem Structures First Grade
Taking From Start Unknown There were some elephants in the zoo. 3 were bought by the circus. There are now 5 elephants left. How many elephants did the zoo have to start with? 5 ?
Taking From Start Unknown Joe had some jelly beans. He ate 4 and now he has 5 left. How many jelly beans did Joe have to start with? ?
Taking From Start Unknown
Taking From Start Unknown The breeder had some new pugs. 4 were bought right away and now there are 3 left. How many pugs were there to start?
Taking From Start Unknown Some birds were in a tree. 2 flew away and now there are 4. How many birds were in the tree to start with?
Taking From Start Unknown A group of swimmers entered the race. 2 had to stop because they got leg cramps. 6 swimmers finished. How many swimmers started the race?