AUTOMATIC SPEED CONTROL BASED ON ZONES Project Members A.Nijamdeen 921711112023 S.Thangappandi 921711112041 S.Vivek Chellapperumal 921711112049 Guided by Mrs.V.Petchithai (AP/ICE)
Overview Abstract Existing method Proposed method Hardware & software Block diagram Block diagram Implementation Advantage Result Future Enhancement Conclusion
Abstract In present days people are driving very fast, accidents are occurring frequently and we are losing valuable life by making small mistake while driving. So to avoid such accidents in school zone, hills area, highways we are implementing this project In this we are using an Smart Display and Controller for vehicle’s speed control and monitors
Existing Method No other vehicle speed control technique is implemented in the areas of school zone, hills area, highways. Accidents occurs due to over speed. Mostly there are no sign boards are used to indicate the school zone ,hospital area. No technical alerting system is required.
Proposed Method Here we are using Smart Display and Controller technique to reduce the vehicle’s speed automatically in the area of School zone, hills area used the RFID transmitter and receiver. By sensing the transceiver signal vehicles receiving unit will helps to control and decrease the speed automatically It includes the indicating board to RFID transceiver
Tools Used Hardware: PIC Microcontroller DC Motor and its Driver Circuit Power Supply Unit 2*16 Liquid Crystal Display Software: MPLAB Integrated Development Environment PIC C Compiler IC Programmer
Block Diagram
Implementation The SDC is composed of two separate units: zone status transmitter unit and receiver unit. The transmitter modules operate with a carrier frequency of 433MHz. Once the information is received from the zones, the vehicle’s embedded unit is automatically alert the driver, to reduce the speed according to the zone, it waits for few seconds, otherwise vehicle’s SDC unit automatically reduce the speed.
Zone Status Transmitter Unit : It has RF transmitter and Encoder is located at the zone (School zone, Hospital zone and etc..,). It generates the RF signal. Receiver Unit:(Vehicle Unit) It has RF receiver, to PIC Microcontroller and is Embedded programmed to Drive the DC Motor using Motor Driver If transmitting signal is available on the receiver side , the signal is decoded by the decoder by means of the RF signal is converted to controller language, then it is given to Microcontroller and the microcontroller is always programmed to drive motor for minimum speed.
ADVANTAGES It helps to reduce most of accidents oocurs in schools and hospital zones Our project may also helpful for the peoples to drive safely without their knowledge Because of using microcontroller the cost of this project is low to implement it in a vehicle
Future Enhancement In future we implement our projects in two wheelers by reducing the size of an sensor module and its display unit and increasing the range of the RF sensor units to control the vehicle speed beyond the range of its zones like schools and hospitals.
SAFE DRIVE and SAVE LIFE Conclusion In this method is implementing, accidents reduced in place of School Zone, Hospital areas and Dangerous Bending . SAFE DRIVE and SAVE LIFE
Thanking you