The creation of a standardized citizen health vocabulary A Linked Open Data and Semantic Web example eSociety Institute of The Hague University of Applied Sciences Martijn Hartog – coordinating researcher Bert Mulder – professor Information, Technology and Society
research and development programmes Province of South-Holland government of the future research and development programmes Province of South-Holland Quality Institute Dutch Municipalities (VNG/KING) Municipality of The Hague National Land Registry (Kadaster) open and transparent government structurally engaging and equipping a participatory society
exploration and inventory current initiatives analyses of terminology research and development exploration and inventory current initiatives analyses of terminology Linked Open Data definitions Semantic Web connections conceptual study Dutch Citizen Health Vocabulary eSociety Institute The Hague University of Applied Sciences National competence Centre for standardization and eHealth (Nictiz) Dutch Patients and Consumer Federation (NPCF) Muncipality of The Hague
compact government participatory society context compact government participatory society complex data accesssable, understandable and transparent Semantic Web web 1.0 – presenting information web 2.0 – connecting people web 3.0 – connecting knowledge Big Data and analytics volume velocity variety Internet of Things sensoring, collecting and exchanging data
digital service ambitions digital government agenda 2020 digital service ambitions open and transparent within a participatory society working as one efficient government digital on National level, customized locally
understandable language for citizens and government the need for a citizen vocabulary understandable language for citizens and government better communication better understanding on governmental activities better search results connecting terminology integration in search engine clarity improving participation trustworthy information clear and timely accessable information
citizen / consumer vocabularies 158.519 rows 51.134 unique concepts 1 citizen term per concept Open Access Collaborative Consumer Health Vocabulary University of Utah Brigham and Women’s Hospital Harvard Medical School National Library of Medicine University of Wisconsin Maya Consumer Health Vocabulary Maya Clinic Global Products and Services Italian Consumer Medical Vocabulary University of Trento 2126 core terms illnesses, first aid, symptoms and test procedures not public 2348 terms semantic web technologies Short analysis current vocabularies: direct translation of medical information, to many concepts (SNOWMED 311.000 terms), focus on professional terminology, broad synonyms, non-public, lack of semantic web possibilites.
quality – people speak their own language challenges LOD and Semantic Web | citizen vocabulary main challenges quality – people speak their own language complexity – diversity requires integration scale – societal networks requires effective solutions defining and documenting recording and standardizing citizen terminology connecting terminology with systems-world referring to extra information or explanations adding qualities better disclosure and optimizing search results realizing automatic processing by machines
further development of a Dutch Citizen Health Vocabulary future research further development of a Dutch Citizen Health Vocabulary ontology - connecting standardized terminology determing categories, classess, subclasses […], instances, individuals creating machine-readable and interchangeable concepts exploring a sustainable process parallel routes research and development on Public Administration Vocabulary research and development on Land Registry and National administrations
The creation of a standardized citizen health vocabulary A Linked Open Data and Semantic Web example eSociety Institute of The Hague University of Applied Sciences Martijn Hartog – coordinating researcher – | @martijnhartog Bert Mulder – professor Information, Technology and Society