Using Excel with Google Maps Mapping Using Excel with Google Maps
Overview To maximize time and mileage, we have everyone map out and plan their daily route. We have found a way of using google maps and excel worksheets to improve this process. You will need a google account to use the feature, so if you aren’t already using gmail or don’t have a google account, you will need to create one for free. That can be done here:
Accessing Google Maps There are different ways to access google maps: You can type in the URL and if you are signed into your account, then it will open under your account automatically. If you are already logged into your google account, you can click on the google apps icon at the top right of the screen (9 small boxes in a square shape) and select the “Maps” icon This should open google maps and you will see a map with a search bar in the top left corner of the screen.
1. Click here 2. This menu should open 3. Click on the “Maps” icon
This screen should open:
Opening “My Maps” Using your google account, you can create and save maps that you can later view, edit, etc. This is what we have done for each county to log in the farm, housing and community contact info that many of you have used. We now want to show you how you can use the tool to map out your own routes using data compiled in an excel spreadsheet (current student addresses, old addresses, farm lists, etc.). You can create different layers on the map which show different categories such as old addresses, current addresses, and farm info. You can even export the current data on a map we have made for a county and then add more layers for them like old addresses and current families- but more on that later.
Creating Your Own Google Map Now that you have google maps open, click on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) at the top left corner of the screen. The menu will open with many options. Click on the “My Maps” option.
1. Click here 2. This menu should open 3. Click on the “My Maps” icon
Accessing Saved Maps and Creating New Maps If you have already saved maps, this is where you can access them. You can also create a new map by clicking the “Create Map” option at the bottom. For demonstration purposes, lets click on “Create Map”
Saved maps can be accessed here: You can create a new map by clicking here:
After Clicking “Create Map” this screen should appear
Editing Tool Bar-adding markers and drawing lines Search Bar: You can type an address, business, or other location, and it will be marked on your map with a place marker. Once added, you can change the name and format of the marker and add a description if you’d like. Select Items: The hand icon is the default tool and can be used to select icons that are already added or to move around the map by clicking and dragging. Add Marker: This can be used to mark a location on the map with a pin point if you want to mark a specific spot. This is helpful if you don’t know the address but know the location. Draw a Line: This feature is great for outlining a field or streets/housing area.
Map Menu and Using Layers Click here to edit map name: As mentioned earlier, you can add different layers to the map to show different types of items such as current housing, old addresses, and farms. You can title the different layers according to what is included in them as well by simply clicking on the text “Untitled Layer” You have two options for adding info to a layer. You can draw it using the tools shown on the previous slide (Adding a marker, drawing a line or shape) or you can import data from an excel sheet which we will look at next.
Importing Excel Spreadsheet to Google Maps Click “Import” link in the layer where you want to add data. You can drag or search for the file you want to import. The file must be a CVS, EXSL, KML or GPX File. EXSL (Excel file) can be used to add in farm info as well as addresses. KML is the type of file that can be exported from an existing map (such as those we have created with each county’s info) and then you can import them into your own map. More on that later.
Preparing Excel Files for Importing Before importing a file, there are some things that need to be considered and possibly changed. The excel file should only have one worksheet (one tab at the bottom). If there are more than 1 worksheet, it doesn’t import. The excel file must include in at least one column the address info that you want to import to the map and then what you want the title of the place mark to be. The first row of the worksheet must have a title for that column (Address, student name, farm name, etc.) *Note: If you want to use the student lists from the server, you must copy and past the info you want into a new spreadsheet and save that to upload to the map. I just copy all address info and student last names and paste into a new workbook and save it.
Here I have copied and pasted the Rows and Columns I want from the student list on the server, keeping the first row with column titles. I have saved the xlsx file. Now I want to import it into my map.
Importing Spreadsheet to Map Layer 1. In the map legend, select the layer you want to import your data to (there can be multiple layers although only one is shown here) 2. Click “import”
You can drag the file or search for it on you computer.
Choose Columns to position your place marks. Because I had the number, street, and city in different columns, I selected all three. If you have the address all in one column, you’d only need to select the one. 2. Choose a column to title your markers. I wanted to have the family’s last name as the title of each mark so I selected “Last Name 1.” If it is a farm list you would select the column title where the farm’s name is.
If all was done correctly, the data should import to the map and when you click on each marker it will tell you the name of the location you selected.
Fixing Data Errors Sometimes due to how the data is entered, google maps cannot add in an address you wanted (or several at times). Also, some locations may be mapped in the wrong location (in a different state). You can edit the information from the spreadsheet right in the map using the data table in the legend.
Simply click in the field you want to edit and change the text Simply click in the field you want to edit and change the text. Typically, apt and lot numbers are not accepted and cannot be mapped. Also, if there are not spaces where they need to be, errors occur. In the error message, click on open data table, and the data from the imported spreadsheet will open.
The data table can also be accessed and edited anytime by clicking the three vertical dots next to the layer title: This menu will then open. You can rename or delete the layer, or select open data table to edit info.
Exporting Existing Map info to Import into New Map You may want to create your own map that includes the info we have added to each county’s google map and also other info like current or old addresses. To do this, use the link for the google map you want to export info from to open the map.
Once the map is open, select the three dots in the legend Once the map is open, select the three dots in the legend. Be sure the layer with the info you want to export is selected. Then select “Export to KML.” It will give you the option to export as a KML or a KMZ file. The only difference is a KML WON’T have the custom icons we use, and a KMZ will. This will automatically download the file to your computer.
Adding New Layer to your Map with Existing Map info You then follow the same process as you would for importing an excel file, but when choosing the file to upload and import you select the KML or KMZ file that was exported and downloaded from the existing map (in the downloads folder of your computer). Now there are two separate layers: one for the current addresses and another of existing map info.
Additional Comments This is a great tool to help visualize and map out the county where you will be working. You can hide and show the different layers to see what is in which area and plan to go to locations based on proximity. Maps are automatically saved as changes are made and are visible on the Google Maps App on phones and tablets. To access them on your phone, be sure you are signed into the google account you created the map with, open the maps app, select the menu (three horizontal lines at top left if using an android), and select “your places.” The list of maps should be there. *Reminder*- Do NOT rely solely on your phone in the field. ALWAYS have an accessible list off all the addresses you want to visit, current families in the area, and your plan for the day. This is a tool to help you plan your route AHEAD of time and can be used as a tool while in the field, but because areas we work in often do not have cell reception, a backup method is absolutely necessary.