Presented by the always cool and confident, Jeff and Tem Google Maps Presented by the always cool and confident, Jeff and Tem Jeff
HISTORY OF GOOGLE MAPS SERVICES Acquisition of companies / Component functions Maps launched Feb 2005 Google Moon Google Mars Google Sky Google Ride Finder Google Traffic Google Transit Google biking directions Google My Maps Google Street View Google Underwater Street View Google Aerial View Google Latitude Google Flu Vaccine Finder Indoor Google Maps Google Maps Business View Privacy issues with Google Maps Traffic data collection Errors in data collection Domestic Security Pictures of you in the world Jeff
BACKGROUND Data Collection Fusion Tables: “Bust your data out of its silo!” Google Sheets: Like Excel but on Google! Forms: Yay for making your own surveys and easily translating it into a presentation! Tem
BACKGROUND, cont. Data Presentation My Maps is a sweet feature that allow you to create, share, save and/or open up personalised maps. Tem
VARIATIONS AND EXTENSIONS There are a fair amount of additions to explore, if you’re feeling fancy! Upload GPX – GPS receiver format Upload CSV Add vector data Change logos Embed Temily
Google Sheets to My Map Upload data to google sheet My Maps Create a Google Sheets layer (requires Google account) Ensure first row is column title Helpful to number every row entry Make sure geo coordinates or address location column(s) provided My Maps Create new “My Map” in Google Maps or open shared version Click on “import layer” to import data created in Google Sheets Import sheet directly from Drive or upload from computer Select column(s) with geo location data Jeff
LET’S PRACTICE, FOLKS! Super simple steps here. Change it up by adding in new layers, choosing a place-specific icon and eye catching colours. Temily