ALGALBBB 2018 Conference – Preliminary Program At-A-Glance Monday June 11, 2018 Tuesday June 12, 2018 Wednesday June 13, 2018 Registration (7-8:30) Plenary Lectures (2) (8:30-9:35) Plenary Lectures (2) (8:30-9:35) Plenary Lectures (2) (8:30-10:15) Coffee and Networking (9:35-10:00) Coffee and Networking (9:35-10:00) Coffee and Networking (10:15-10:45) Session 4A (10:00-12:29) Algal Biology: Metabolic Regulation 1 Invited Talk 7 Oral Presentations Session 4B (10:00-12:29) Bioreactor Design and Engineering 1 Invited Talk 7 Oral Presentation Session 7A (10:00-12:33) LCA, TEA, and Sustainability 9 Oral Presentations Session 7B (10:00-12:33) Algal Harvesting and Extraction 9 Oral Presentations Session 1A (10:45-12:40) Algal Biology: Molecular Traits 1 Invited Talk 5 Oral Presentations Session 1B (10:45-12:40) Algal Cultivation: Phototrophic Systems 1 Invited Talk 5 Oral Presentations Lunch and Networking (12:30-13:30) Conference Closure (12:35-12:45) Lunch and Networking (12:40-13:40) Session 5A (13:30-15:29) Algal Harvesting and Extraction 7 Oral Presentations Session 5B (13:30-15:29) Bioproducts from Algae 7 Oral Presentations Session 2A (13:40-15:05) LCA, TEA, and Sustainability 5 Oral Presentations Session 2B (13:40-15:05) New Technologies 5 Oral Presentations Note: Posters and Industry Displays/Booths are open throughout the program Coffee and Networking (15:30-16:00) Coffee and Networking (15:05-15:35) Session 6A (16:00-17:08) Algal Cultivation: Heterotrophic Systems 4 Oral Presentations Session 6B (16:00-17:08) Algal Biology: Biodiversity 4 Oral Presentations Session 3A (15:35-17:17) New Conversion Technologies 6 Oral Presentations Session 3B (15:35-17:17) Algal Cultivation: Heterotrophic Systems 6 Oral Presentations Reception and Poster Session And Industry Displays (17:10-18:10) Reception and Poster Session And Industry Displays (17:20-18:20) Conference Dinner (18:30-21:30)