Lt Col York, Director of Space Forces Fueling the Enterprise THE OVERALL CLASSIFICATION OF THIS BRIEF IS: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO//REL TO MNFS Exercise, Exercise, Exercise Space Working Group Lt Col York, Director of Space Forces Fueling the Enterprise
Space WG JELC Planners ISR SME: AFFOR/CAOC: ARFOR/MNFS: SOUTHCOM: Lt Col Christian Stuardo, FACh AFFOR/CAOC: Lt Col Trae York ARFOR/MNFS: LTC Larry Roberts SOUTHCOM: Maj Marcus Stevenson JS J7-S: MAJ Strickland DMOC-S: Scott "Beldar" Vogel SMDC: Mr David Reid WG Lead: Lt Col Trae York, USAF 803 606-2487 520 228-7069
PMX 16 Space WG Objectives Validate/Refine Vignettes Level 3 Storyboards Finalize Coordinate JMD Coordinate Space Capabilities ISO Partner Nations Initial CONOPS for Tropicana ISR platform
PMX 16 Space Exercise Objectives Effective integration of PN personnel in Space Cells across MNF-S and Components Integrate PN satellite-based ISR into CFACC collection management process Deploy and integrate Eagle Vision into MNF-S collection management Conduct planning support to MNF-S, CFACC and CFLCC CAP Annex N development Conduct space coordination process Establish Space Working Group (B2C2WG) Collate, prioritize and submit space support requests Conduct space command and control and employment of fires Conduct space support mitigation of interference (GPS/SATCOM) Support joint targeting process (space target sets) (NEW!) Integrate OPIR battlespace awareness processes
PMX 16 Space Vignettes BML employs GPS jammers in point defense of base camps and munitions caches BML employs GPS jammers to disrupt Lines of Communication (maritime and land) BML employs SATCOM jammers to disrupt MNFS C2 BML employs GPS Jammers and Cyber disruption capabilities to disrupt C2 of Panama Canal Locks (NEW!) Tropicana imagery satellite provides imagery in support of MNFS operations (NEW!) Grey on Blue SATCOM interference
PMX 16 Space JMD CFACC Space Cell: 1x 13S DS4 (on station) 1x PN Dep DS4 (Brazil*) 2x 13S Space COD (AFSPC/183rd) 1x PN ISR SME (Chile*) JS J7 O/T/JECG Support 1x 13S JFACC (JS J7) 1x FA40 MNFS (SMDC) 3x Civ/Ctr (SMDC/DMOC) MNF-S Space Cell: 2x FA40 SSE (on station) 1x 13S (AFSPC) 2x PN (Dom Rep; Peru) CFLCC Space Cell 1x FA40 (SMDC/ARSTRAT) 2x PN (Chile) AFSPC augmentees: O4/5, JOPP knowledge, JTF/GCC experience req’d (plays well with others-highly desired); 13S4 – ops staff officer (Speedo at CFLCC) spanish preferred SDMC augmentees: O4/5, JOPP knowledge, JTF/GCC experience req’d Augmentees must space and multinational level JKO courses ( course no:1250 & 1255) * requested, not confirmed
Partner Nation Space-based ISR Capability Assumptions: Operation is authorized by the United Nations Operation is of a limited scope and duration SOUTHCOM J2 delegates Collection Management Authority (CMA) for integration of PN ISR capabilities Space-based ISR PN Ministry of Defense owned capability Imaging satellite similar to commercial capability Product 1 Space Coordinating Authority is delegated to CFACC Notional PN Satellite Product 2
Lt Col York, Director of Space Forces Fueling the Enterprise THE OVERALL CLASSIFICATION OF THIS BRIEF IS: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO//REL TO MNFS Exercise, Exercise, Exercise PANAMAX 2016 Space Working Group Lt Col York, Director of Space Forces Fueling the Enterprise