St. Matthews Primary School Thursday 12th October, 2017 AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS MONDAY CRAFT CLUB - 3.15 to 4.15pm Reception, Y1 & Y2 £1 TUESDAY FENCING – 3.15 to 4.15pm Y6 £2 THURSDAY FILM CLUB – 3.15 to 5pm “JUNGLE BOOK” All children except Reception (as they are too tired this first half term) £1 FRIDAY LUNCH TIME – Lexia Club – no charge HARVEST MEAL - Thursday 19th October Our Harvest Festival will be in the church at 1.30. The children are doing a presentation on the harvest homework that they have done. The children are making soup and bread in school and parent/carers/relatives and friends are welcome to come along after the church service for homemade soup and bread. A small donation to cover costs would be appreciated. EVERYONE WELCOME As usual we will be collecting donations of fruit and vegetables for distribution to pensioners around the village. PUDDING, PAMPER AND PROSECCO NIGHT FRIDAY 13th OCTOBER at 6.30pm In SCHOOL TICKETS £6 each We’re all looking forward to our fun night tomorrow, we have sold quite a few tickets, please let us know if you haven’t got yours yet. You can pay on the door. Drawing prizes for the raffle would be very much appreciated. FOREST SCHOOL It’s Y1/2 turn to do Forest School on Friday, they will need old clothes/waterproofs and wellies.
PARENT/TEACHER MEETING – DATE FOR YOUR DIARY HALF TERM School closes next Friday 20th October for half term holiday, we re-open on Monday 30th October at 8.45am PARENT/TEACHER MEETING – DATE FOR YOUR DIARY We are holding our parents’ evening on Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd November. Appointments will be as follows: Mrs Johnston: Wed. 2pm to 5pm Mrs Satterthwaite: Wed. & Thurs. 1pm to 5pm Miss Blair: Wed. & Thurs. 3.20pm to 5pm Mrs Harrison: Wed. 3.20pm to 5pm Appointment letters will be sent to parents tonight. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Fri 13 Oct Pudding, Prosecco and Pamper Evening Thur 19 Oct Harvest Festival and Governors Question Time 1.30pm 23-27 Oct Half Term Tues 31 Oct Halloween Disco 4pm – 5.30pm Wed 1 Nov Parent/teacher meeting Thurs 2 Nov Parent/teacher meeting Fri 8 Dec Christmas Performance Tue 12 Dec Pantomime at Carlisle Sands Centre Wed 13 Dec Christmas Dinner Fri 15 Dec Christmas Jumper Day Fri 15 Dec Last day of Term.
Optional alternatives are available: Week 1 MONDAY Chicken Fillets, or Macaroni Cheese or Fish Beans, Veg, Pasta & Gravy *** Sponge & Custard, Tray Bake or Yoghurt or Fruit TUESDAY Sweet & Sour Chicken or Chicken in Gravy Rice, Stir Fry Rice & Rice Noodles Quiche Trays Bakes, Yoghurt or Fruit WEDNESDAY Roast Beef, Mash, Veg, Gravy and Yorkshire Pudding Bread & Butter Pudding with Cream or Ice Cream, Tray Bake, Yoghurt or Fruit THURSDAY Pork Casserole with Pastry Lid, Potatoes, Veg & Gravy Cheese and Potato Pie Tray Bake, Yoghurt or Fruit FRIDAY Home made Pizza, Cheese & Tomato or Pepperoni, Veg and Salad Sausage Rolls Please note that all menus are subject to change Optional alternatives are available: Baked Potatoes with Cheese, Beans or Tuna Fillings Salad with Ham, Cheese or Tuna Rolls with Ham, Cheese, Egg or Tuna If your child would prefer the optional alternative, please return the order slip TWO days before to ensure we have ingredients. ORDER FORM: NAME/S___________________________________ WEEK BEGINNING: ______________ Please circle Baked Potatoes: Cheese Beans Tuna Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Salad Ham Cheese Egg Tuna Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Rolls Ham Cheese Egg Tuna Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri