Announcements for the week of August 6, 2017
The Family of God’s People…Fiske Blvd Church of Christ A Place to find help for today and hope for tomorrow….
Sunday 7:00am Sonrise Service 10:30am & 6:00pm Each Lord’s Day!
Bible Class for All Ages Sunday 9:15 AM Bible Class for All Ages Tuesday 7:00 PM Thursday 11:00 AM
Walter Brothers Bula Franklin Calvin Moore Jewel Collins Carolyn Robinson Lorenzo Watson Titus Miles Harold & Ruth Collins Edward & Ann Bouey Thomas Byrd Helen Clayton Hansel & Mary Bell Biverene Dixon Clyde & Betty Sims Connie Mallory Annie Tanner Dorothy Hall Rosa Marble Monique Hooks Linnie Dent Tori Barnes Rosemary McGill Bennie Cobb Edward Smith Margie Miles & Family JW & Osie Tabor Shirley Rhynes Nellie Brightman Eric Hanna Queen Smoke James Bell Herbert Smith Victor Stallworth Johnnie McNeil Tammy Smith Joyce Wilcox Cynthia Cottingham Plassie Dawsey Betty Sturgan Travis Sturgan Sr James E. Thompson Marva Thompson Alex Goins Ethel Smith
Praying for Bro & Sis Van Scott at the loss of Bro Scott’s mom. Also praying for Bro Hansel Bell during his time of sorrow as well. Praying for the family of Sis Catherine Byrd, Fort Wayne, IN as she transitioned this weekend.
Fruit & Vegetables after evening worship in the Fellowship Hall!
Planning Meeting August 7, 2017 @ 7pm
Tuesday, August 8, 2017 Tuesday, August 8, 2017 @ 9am in the J.P. Henry Hall. All brothers are encouraged to attend! Notice day change! August 8, 2017 @ 9am!
Hostesses: Sis Kenya Young Sis Debbie Sims Painting with a Twist August Fellowship Friday, August 18, 2017 @ Time: 7:00 pm $25 Hostesses: Sis Kenya Young & Sis Debbie Sims Payment is due immediately as we need to pay 1 week before!
Please Join Us For Our Ladies Bible Class Questions See Sis. Sims Chapter 6 in the book A Messed Up “Sisterhood” Please Join Us For Our Ladies Bible Class Sharing & Growing Together Sunday August 13 @ 4:45 pm Questions See Sis. Sims
Please plan to attend August 21, 2017 @ 7pm Follow Up Meeting
Questions? Please Contact All Brothers & Sisters Invited “A Time To Build Up” FBCOC Questions? Please Contact Senior Minister Bro. Randy Cole Sims, Sr. Elder Candidates Bro. Bell Bro. Bouey Bro. Gambrell Bro. Morris Sr. Deacon Candidates Bro. Blunt Bro. Gibson Ecclesiastes 3:3 Meeting Date August 28, 2017 at 7 pm
Khamari JaNayla Davis is competing in Little Miss Fashionetta pageant! Dear Family & Friends, I need you assistance in my participation in the Little Miss Fashionetta Pageant sponsored by Iota Pi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. in conjunction with the Pink Ivy Corporation. The event’s kick off was June 10, 2017 and will culminate on October 28, 2017. Please see Sis. Sharon Spikes to assist by giving a business ad, honor your family, write a poem, buy tickets or make a donation to assist me in my quest for 1st place Tiara for 2017. ALL Ad monies are due by September 1, 2017 and donations and ticket monies by October 11, 2017. With lots of Love, Khamari JaNalya Davis
Men’s Bible Study 4th Sunday @ 9:15 am All Men please plan to attend. Study is from the book: I Sought For A Man. Questions? Please see Bro. Sims
Bro or Sis Blunt for information on the next Youth Night Please see Bro or Sis Blunt for information on the next Youth Night
Singing and Devotional Thursday at 7PM
Tune IN Radio, Simple Radio Listen to our radio broadcasts on Every Sunday morning! Station: 1510 AM The Christian Voice of Brevard For the best in Accapella Gospel music and the Word of God preached each Sunday morning listen to our radio broadcasts starting at 7:30 am on WWBC-The Christian Voice of Brevard Bro. Anthony Blunt & Bro. Dan Gibson Bro. Randy Cole Sims, Sr All Aboard Also available on Radio Apps on the Web- Tune IN Radio, Simple Radio
All Brothers please plan to attend! Timothy Class Sunday Date: August 27 @ 4:45 pm All Brothers please plan to attend!
Spiritual Leadership Study 1st Sunday & Tuesday of each month! Please plan to attend the Spiritual Leadership Study on the 1st Sunday at 9:15 am and 1st Tuesday evening at 7 pm.
MEN'S MEETING Saturday, August 5@ 9am Please plan to attend!
WE WILL PICK YOU UP! Transportation is available to classes and worship. Please let us know if you need a ride! Anthony Blunt- 386 334-8833 Leon Smoke- 321 537-9327
Thursday, September 7 at 7pm
Fiske Blvd Church of Christ FISKE BLVD CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible Questions? Fiske Blvd Church of Christ FISKE BLVD CHURCH OF CHRIST 805 South Fiske Boulevard Rockledge, Florida 32955 321 632-1010 Randy Cole Sims, Sr Senior Minister