To do list production organization and commitments RPC upgrade project G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2 To do list production organization and commitments
Project principal items Build 272 new RPC triplets to be installed in the BI region (and relative services) to increase the system redundancy and to cover ~27% acceptance hole Retrofit 32 BOL units and 16 BML-G units in the extreme eta regions, to reinforce these critical regions non fully recoverable with just the BI Replace the readout electronics (800 PADs) of the present system with a new ons compatible with the Phase-2 DAQ latency and better fit for the RPC performance Riccardo Replace the power system with back compatibility G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2
RPCs are made of…. The new RPCs are triplets: Three fully independent singlets in a mechanical structure equipped with services Each singlet is an independent faraday cage containing a 2D readout detector equipped with a TDC per channel. It contains: One gas gap Two orthogonal readout strip systems Serial cables to connect TDCs to DCTs Each readout panel is made of A strip panel Frontend and termination boards integrated in the panel Readout panels of the same type are used for the BM-BO retrofitting G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2
RPCs relates systems and services Control and Power system, made of: DCS infrastructure (PCs mainframes and branch controllers) Power crates and modules (primary power, HV, LV, Vth, Monitoring) Power and monitoring cables Sensors (T, P, RH, flow) Gas system, including: Retrofitting of the present gas rack 2-3 additional racks to increase the vertical granularity of the distribution and to host 48 new lines serving the BI Local distribution on chamber and flow sensors for monitoring G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2
WBS gas gap and mechanics 5.3.1 RPC Gas gap (RP --> R. Santonico; --> RM2, BO, MPI, CN, HK?) Production of HPL (Bakelite) -->BO? Gas gap design --> RM2+MPI Gas gap production RM2+MPI Gas gap QA/QC --> RM2 +BO 5.3.4 RPC triplet integration(RP --> O. Kortner; --> MPI, IHEP) Chamber mechanical structure and services design and production --> O. Kortner MPI, IHEP Final detector integration --> MPI G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2
WBS electronics and faraday cage 5.2.2 Front End ASICs: Amplifier + discriminator + TDC (RP --> R. Cardarelli; Institutes RM2, CN, HK) Front End Chip design and production RM2 5.2.3 Readout strips and singlet integration (RP R. Cardarelli; Institutes USTC+HK, RM2) Front End Board design production USTC+HK+RM2 readout strips design production and integration USTC+HK+RM2 Construction and test of the detector singlets ??? production of signal cables to the DCT ??? G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2
WBS Services and infrastructure 5.2.6 Detector Control System (RPA. Polini; InstitutesRM2, BO, HK) Design of the RPC detector power and control system G. Aielli RM2 RPC detector control system software coordination A.Polini BO Extension of the DCS system for the BI RPCs HK? 5.2.9 Gas system (RP E. Pastori; Institutes RM2+?) design and production of the gas system for the BI -->RM2 upgrade of the gas system for the BM-BO and integration with the BI -->RM2+? G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2
WBS Installation and retrofitting 5.2.7 Validation, Installation and commissioning (RP --> CN+HK; Institutes all!) Chamber validation at CERN --> CN+HK+INFN Installation study, procedures and execution -->MPI?? Cabling and commissioning of the installed detectors --> CN+HK+INFN 5.2.8 Retrofitting of of critical BM and BO RPCs (RP --> T.B.D.; Institutes --> T.B.D.) Production of new Readout panels -->??? Upgrade of the selected chambers at CERN -->??? G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2
Figures of merit for production and logistics Maximize industrial manufacturing for standard parts (CORE) High level assembly at the Institutes Specialize production centers Minimize inter-institute transports (extra cost) Minimize transport of fragile manufacts Involve institutes in the production chain Capillary QA/QC under Institutes responsibility Minimize parts and semi manufactured storage G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2
Production sites (presumed) Basic parts production Gas Gap General Tecnica (Italy) Laminate electrode RIVA (Italy) FE chip IMD (Germany) Mechanics IHEP (Russia) FE PCB China/Hongkong company? RO stips China/Hongkong company? Power system CAEN (Italy) Power Cables not assigned (China/Italy/Turkey) Serial cables not assigned (China/Italy/Turkey) Semi-finished parts production: Integrated FE boards and test USTC/HK Integrated readout panel and test USTC/HK (Italy?) Integrated singlets and CR test (INFN + at least one other Institute) Integrated Chambers and CR test CERN/MPI/Italy? BOL6 and BMLG swap set Turkey/IHEP? Final integration and validation CERN G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2
Logistics for RPC construction (1) IHEP Shang Dong USTC G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2 IHP MPI CERN RIVA Bologna General Tecnica Hong Kong Bogazici
Conclusion and kickoff Next step: propose a reasonable production scheme taking in to account FA requests and efficiency Kick of meeting to be proposed: the week of 18/9 in Roma? In the kick off the Institutes will finalize their commitments G. Aielli - INFN meeting for Phase-2