Place Value and Expanded Notation The teacher will go over the information on each of the slides for the PowerPoint. This is the benchmark for Place Value and Expanded Notation 2.A.1.1/2.A.1.2 assessed in FCA 3. How are numbers used? 2.A.1.1/2.A.1.2 FCA 3
Let’s Learn More Grab and Go Activity Kit Base-Ten Numeration Video Click Here Digits have Value Video Click Here Independent Practice Different Ways to Show Numbers Click Here Place Value through Thousands You may choose to view these online resource available through Go Math Think Central Base-Ten Numeration Video: video showing a teacher working in a small group setting using manipulatives to model numbers. Digits have Value Video: video showing a teacher working in a small group setting where students explore place value numeration and expanded form. Independent Practice: Review different ways to show numbers and place value through the thousands with opportunities to practice. Key vocabulary is also included. iTools: allows user to play with base ten blocks in order to identify various numbers. Grab and Go Activity Kit: Centers that can be used in the classroom that covers each skill on days leading up to the FCA. Click Here iTools Click Here Grab and Go Activity Kit Activity 1-4 Lesson 1.1 - 1.4 Click Here Click Here
What is Place Value? Place value tells us what value each digit has because of its place or position in any number. Let’s look at some examples... Go over this term orally with the class. You may want student to make a foldable for key vocabulary terms. The students should be instructed to write the term “PLACE VALUE” on the outside of the flap, and then on the inside they will write what this term means. The students will also put a representation of the term (like the one on the PowerPoint slide). Each vocabulary term will be set up on the foldable in the same manner.
What digit is in the tens place? If you said “2” you are right! hundreds tens ones 1 2 3 What digit is in the tens place? If you said “2” you are right! 2 = 2 tens or 20
What digit is in the hundreds place in 3,971? A 1 B 7 C 9 D 3 Teachers may want to hand out cards that have the letters A,B,C, and D written on them in large print to each student. Students can raise the card that corresponds with their answer choice. I teach my students sign language for A, B, C, and D. We read the question aloud, I give them a few seconds to figure out their answer then I say “1, 2, 3 show me” and they show me their answer in sign language. This can also be performed with cards. I use this method with every multiple choice slide.
In the number 6,023, the digit 6 is in which place? A ones B tens C hundreds D thousands
What is the value of each digit? thousands hundreds tens ones 1, 3 5 9 1,000 300 50 9 1 3 5 9 thousands hundreds tens ones
What is the value of the digit 8 in the number 3,829? A 8,000 B 800 C 80 D 8
Look at the picture. What is the value of the base ten blocks? A 4 B 44 C 13 D 446
What is Expanded Notation? Let’s look at some examples… Expanded Notation is a way to write numbers to show the VALUE of each digit, usually in an addition problem. Let’s look at some examples… Go over vocabulary term orally. If working with a foldable, have students record vocabulary term, meaning, and representation in the foldable.
6, 1 2 3 6 thousand 1 hundred 2 tens 3 ones + + + 100 20 3 6,000
What number is represented by 2,000 + 60 + 8 A 2,068 B 2,608 C 2,00608 D 268
Which of the following shows 7,296 in expanded form? B 7,000+200+90+6 C 7,000+29+6 D 700+20+96
Now…Are you up for a challenge?
Which number is 100 more than 724? A 1724 B 824 C 734 D 725
What number is 10 less than 1,598? A 2,598 B 1,498 C 1,588 D 498
Which of the following is the same as 539? A five hundred three nine B five thirty-nine C five hundred thirty-nine D five hundreds three tens nine ones