Paperless Portfolios! Student reflections help us “discover and observe what our children are really experiencing, thinking about, questioning, wondering about, trying, and attaining.” (Niguidula, 2002) Digital Portfolios October 14, 2016 Anne Dauer Lia Quinn Amy Schwingler All
Objective: Leave with ideas as to where you can house a student portfolio. Leave with a list of resources that help students begin their portfolios. Building a digital portfolio:
Why Use a Digital Portfolio? Blockbuster: - Lends to Authentic Assessment: Encourages Self Reflection Manageable teacher-student and student-student communication Develops Organizational Skills Many students are currently immersed in digital tools Increases student engagement Home connection
Types of Portfolios Process Portfolio - The purpose: to promote student reflection and to take ownership of their learning process (Could be used formatively) Showcase/Product Portfolio - The purpose: to share and show their best work Hybrid Portfolio - This portfolio is a combination of both process and showcase portfolios **A vital component of any portfolio is the student reflection piece. Without reflection, students are not fully able to take ownership of their learning process. Kate - Remind what they will walk away with - tools to use, places to store. Example: researching a state with final project and evaluation of learning. Showcase: collection if grade level work throughout 3rd grade.
Process Portfolio Examples: Getting Started: Using Process Portfolios * Examples:! *Taken from Kate
Product Portfolio Getting Started: Using Showcase Portfolios -with Blogs Example: What does a Showcase Portfolio look like... High School Middle School Elementary School Kate
Considerations Before Beginning: What type of portfolio is desired? (Process or Showcase) Who will curate the work? Who will organize the work? Where will the work or portfolio live?
File Types to Use Images Documents Video Audio Screencasts URL or links Lia-You can include just about any type of work in your portfolio. Examples may be a project that was created in Google, photographs, drawings, youtube videos, etc. The type of files you include will depend on what type of portfolio you are creating and what you want the outcome to be.
Portfolio Sandbox - Tools iPad Apps: Spark Video (formerly Adobe Voice), Evernote, Explain Everything, Educreations, Animoto, Camera, Notability, iMovie, Flipgrid, Three Ring Other: Google Apps (Slides, Docs, PowToon, Draw,) Microsoft Suite, Thinglink, Screencastomatic , All
Portfolio Sandbox - Places Schoology Screencast: How to add items to your Schoology portfolio. Google Drive Educlipper KidBlog Seesaw All
Additional Resources: Using eportfolios in the Classroom - Edutopia 5 Free Tools for Digital Portfolios - Edudemic Pinterest-ePortfolio/Digital Portfolio Resources PLPNetwork - Digital Portfolio Process Link to Further Your Learning E-Portfolio Implementation in Grade 5
Step by Step Implementation Decide what type of portfolio you want to create today and where it will live. Hints: What you did over summer vacation, your life as a teacher, etc. Familiarize yourself with the tools you will use to create items to go into your portfolio. Create, play, explore! Feel free to ask us for help. Begin adding your items to a portfolio location. Explore Additional Resources
Thank You! QR Code to Presentation: “We don’t learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience.” John Dewey